New Poll on Race

I found this article on a British website. Just for fun, I decided to Google the poll and see how far down I had to search before I found a mainstream media outlet report on it. I went through 5 whole pages and never found one! Gee, I wonder why? If the poll found the opposite to be true it would be on the front page of the New York Times.

A new survey has found that more Americans see black people as racist than white people or even Hispanics.
Thirty seven percent of American adults  spoken to by respected pollsters Rasmussen think that African American citizens  hold racist views, as opposed to just 15 percent of white  Americans.
Indeed, even the black adults the survey  spoke to, 31 percent said they considered people of their own race to be racist  while only 24-percent thought that white people were bigoted.

From an ideological point of view, almost 50  percent of conservative Americans think that blacks are racist as opposed to  only 12 percent of white people.
Interestingly, the 21 percent of liberal  voters who see black people as racist is almost as high as the 27 percent who  see white people as racist.

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