LIBERTY on STRIKE for 2 days July 17-18, 2013

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So, we have income tax collection goons administering health care, our supposed 'homeland security' agency buying 5 rounds of ammo for every man woman and child living in these presently united States, our diplomats plotting to deliver weapons and ammunition to the avowed mortal enemies of these presently united States, citizens and the police agencies that supposedly protect us forbidden by the Federal Government to enforce the law of the land, the Federal agency supposed to enforce some of the more than 20,000 laws regulating gun ownership caught conspiring to deliver, and delivering, weapons into the hands of murderous drug gangs, weapons subsequently proven to have been used to kill hundreds of people, Federal agencies charged with preventing securities and bank fraud refusing to prosecute admitted felons, schools terrorizing their students for TALKING about firearms......

The question, gentle reader is- Why have you done nothing? Claire Wolf may be right, we may be still at that awkward stage, but why have you done nothing?

The government cannot rule you without your consent.

DO you, in fact, consent to these outrages? If not, why pretend that you do? Aren't we a bit old to play make-believe any more?

What must be done is that we must deny those presently exercising authority our consent.

We must not allow those presently exercising authority to counterfeit the illusion of legitimacy. They have finally forfeited any claim on legitimate power, and we must make that clear. But how to do that? Some suggest that we withhold payment of taxes and plead the 5th, but April 15th is a long time away, and the Feds don't worry about tax revenue; they just print, borrow and spend what they want. Won't make them blink.

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