Benghazi: Hillary Could Eat Kittens While Stomping on a Naked Granny and the “Media” Would Hail It as ‘Poetry'

Hillary better thank her god, The Father of Lies, that <href="#ixzz2sufwsw8r">she’s not a conservative like Sarah Palin, because if she were a conservative, after last week’s blistering testimony against her by the Benghazi whistle blowers, all news outlets, far and wide, would be yelling “off with conservative Hillary’s head”.
But not The Original, Leftist, Hillary.
Original Hillary gets a pass.
Yep, the numb-nuts that make up the ubiquitous fake news organizations gave scant to zero coverage of the testimonies that completely contradicted Mrs. Clinton’s account of the Benghazi Massacre. For instance, MSNBC gave no live coverage for the Benghazi hearings last week but gave Hillary a stonking five hours-plus for her scat-laden report back in January. How sweet.
By the way, didn’t a 1974 Hillary Clinton demand to know what Nixon knew and when he knew it regarding the Watergate break in? Yes, I believe she did. Google it for me, will you?

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