Georgia Legislative Black Caucus Sues

To Spread the Liberal Culture Of Corruption And Failure To White Cities!

want you to know I don't care if you are offended by the truth nor do I tolerate political correctness! So here I go!

First we had a world class city like Detroit totally destroyed by Progressive Blacks and their White boot lickers. Blacks felt they were being mistreated and well might have been but they took the wrong action to remedy the problem and rioted as is the norm. After the Black riots Whites decided to leave Detroit in droves and failure was their future and they proved it. Now the City of Atlanta, Georgia is suffering the same fate. The school system in Atlanta is falling apart and has been the subject of investigations into cheating on tests. This cheating was pushed by teachers in an effort to hide their failure to teach kids and maintain standards. Same story at all levels of government in Atlanta and that is corruption is king!
White suburbs are seceding from Atlanta in an effort to provide fiscal and social stability for themselves and it has been working great! There is only one problem with people trying to work hard for a living and wanting safe neighborhoods, good schools along with functional and efficient local government. The problem is these people are White and have left Blacks and White Liberals to fend for themselves in the hell hole they are creating.
Now these very same successful cities are being sued by Black Leaders. The Georgia Legislative Black Caucus filed a lawsuit in 2011 to dissolve the new cities, claiming they were a “super-white majority”and diluting the voting power of minorities. Sounds just like what Obama would have Holder do. Remember Holder suing states that wanted voter I.D.s claiming it was somehow racist and was preventing the poor from voting? Same story in Atlanta!
Atlanta has been a cesspit of crime and political corruption for years now. I wonder if the city council being majority Black has anything to do with it. Not that Kasim Reed had anything to do with the corruption but he has not helped!
I will say it is a sure bet that since all mayors of Atalanta have been Democrats well before the 1940s Liberalism is a total failure in Atlanta as well as Detroit! Likewise the city of Detroit has had only Liberal Mayors since 1962! Do you see some kind of pattern forming here?
We all know voting and racism is just a weapon and the Black Caucus wants some of that success the secession cities have made without any of the work that went into creating it. It is the same in every Black majority neighborhood or city in the U.S.A. and that is a culture if mass corruption and social failure that devolves into crime, violence, drugs and mass dependence on the government.
These self-made success stories that have decided to leave Atlanta behind must not be forced to give the fruit of their labors over to political correctness and greed!
Read the whole article :

SUBURBS SECEDE FROM ATLANTA 'Detroit of the South' bludgeoned by troubles

by Jeff Clayton

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