Where HasCommon Sense Gone ?

Common Sense at an all time low!


I posted this first on Facebook and just as I predicted, it didn't go over very well, simply because the first four replies I got were, "Your right, Too long to read." and that folks were from some of the biggest Repub I know. So lets try it here. and I'm wondering if 90% of you won’t read it simply because its too long. Which makes YOU part of the problem! And then there is the small 10% of you who will read this completely and half of them will probably twist and turn my words or take one small part of it and exploit the hell out of it. I wrote this rant to get my words heard not to change your mind. I put this under the Family & Home tab in Categories because it is all about my Home, which is the USA and My Family, which is each and every American.

The USA (notice I didn’t say US. I said USA, because, in my views, division is what is killing this country) is really turning to shit. Our economy is shit. Our taxes rising, health care being forced upon us. We have WARS coming out of our ass! War in Afghanistan, War in the Iraq, Wars (or close enough) in Libya or Egypt, Wars on terrorism, Wars over other countries, in other countries, about other countries and those are just the ones that the Government SHOULD be involved in.

Then we have the ones RIGHT HERE IN THE USA! The War on drugs, War on guns, War on prostitution, War on Christmas, War on Religion, War on Human Trafficking, War on Racism. Oh my Goodness the list literally goes on and on and on forever. We also have the ones that no one ever really pays attention to. Like Wars on Hunger. Wars on Gangs, Wars on child abuse, Wars on Rape, the War on spousal abuse. Wars on porn. Wars on Lifestyles.

It just seems to me like our country is WAR happy. Everything we do rather its positive or negative we have to put the word WAR in front of it. I started thinking about this over the last couple of weeks, while I worried about a government that was changing the world with the start of destroying our Constitution. No this isn’t about gun control, this is about WARS and why do we need them? I mean, obviously, I know why we need REAL Wars. Fighting for our rights and our freedoms, Fighting for our country and our families within this country.

What I’m talking about is the other unknown WARS. Did you know that we the USA spends over 215 billion dollars a year on the war against drugs, now of course this is a good cause, but what exactly is it doing? We’ve been in this War against Drugs since Nixon was in office. 40 years at 215 billion dollars a year, you do the math, and do you know what its done? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! It's an ongoing tragedy that has cost us trillions of dollars. It has loaded our jails and it has destabilized countries like Mexico and Colombia. About 330 tons of cocaine, 20 tons of heroin and 110 tons of methamphetamine are sold in the USA every year! And those numbers keep getting bigger and bigger.

Did you know that we send Seven Million dollars EVERY day to Israel? That’s $3 Billion, Yes $3 Billion every year! To this we then add the Arms that we consider "gifts" worth many, many Millions Of our American Dollars.

YET….. We, the USA has over 1/2 a million untested rape kits being held in evidence lockers while our government claims we do not have the money to test them.

Did you know that over 7,000 cases of Child Molestation goes un-prosecuted every year because our justices system is backed up and our jails our full of drug heads. Because as common sense tells us a druggy on the street will continue to abuse drugs and a Child Molester will only Rape our children…. Sorry folks but it seems that our common sense meter seems a wee bit defective.

The NRA alone spends approx. 2.7 Billion dollars a year on Lobbying.

Anti-gun Control Groups spend 17 times More then that!

Los Angeles government official estimated that prostitution enforcement was costing Los Angeles alone over $100 million a year. That is just 1 state out of the entire USA! And there is just no telling how much money private groups spend every year trying to legalize prostitution. REALLY!?!? Are we really spending all this money to prevent people from FUCKING???

I just can’t help but wonder just how many hungry kids right here in the USA that much money could feed. 1 out of 6 children go to bed hungry every night and that is right there in YOUR home town! Yet we send over 24 billions of dollars to other countries to Aid them, make sure THEY have food, shelter, medicines and Yes even guns to fight us with.

How many doctor appointments we can get OUR hungry children to? How many homeless shelters can we fix or buy with that money? How many abused woman and children can we give a safe haven to with that money? How many HIV, cancer, or countless of other patients could get meds to? How many women and children can we search for and HOPEFULLY find that have been targets of human trafficking. How many of the elderly can we help with all this money being tossed away and wasted? How many programs can we set up HERE in the USA to help OUR young people make it through school?

Come on people! You are on the computer everyday, why do you turn a blind eye to a 20 year old who types like he is 4? Why does this happen? What is our schools really teaching our kids if it is NOT how to read and write? Has anyone ever once thought that we at one time didn’t have these problems? You know, back when Moms were moms and dads were dads. When Men owned up to their responsibilities and got jobs to pay for the family they created. And didn’t jump from making one family to making another only to leave them to fend for themselves! When women worried more about their kids then their jobs. Of course we more or less have to be a working mom now-a-days because our baba-daddy is out making another mouth to feed. To be a working mom is great, if you have enough common sense to do BOTH. Most of us obviously don’t. Because if we did we wouldn’t need to put ourselves or our children on all of these untested drugs which then causes us to go crazy and shoot up schools and theaters.

We don’t need a ban on guns, we need to get our kids off of these drugs rather it’s street drugs or prescription ones. We need Moms to pay more attention to their kids in today’s world and less on their precious career ladder they work so hard at climbing. We need men to be MEN and accept their responsibilities, We need to stop worrying about who is fucking who and for how much, we need to stop fighting each other over our right to follow a God or not. Who really cares if I say Merry Christmas or happy holidays? From this day forward I shall praise Christmas to the sex workers. Instead of saying Merry Christmas I’m gonna say Happy Fuck a lot day! In the realm of it all, Does it Really matter? Do we really need a WAR for that? We need to stop being so petty and childish. We need to love and help each other survive not help destroy one another. We need to stop all this WAR on issues and start focusing on helping and fixing ourselves and our issues.

Now I just read this to my long time friend, (who’s views often clash with mine) who then smiled at me and said, “half of that is pure Liberal and half is pure republican, which are you?.” Well, this question pissed me off. I am NOT a Liberal, I am NOT a Republican, I am NOT a Democrat, I am NOT a Conservative! I am NOT a Communist. I am NOT a Socialist! I AM AN AMERICAN! I HAVE A VOICE! I HAVE AN OPINION! And By GOD I have a RIGHT, (for now anyway) to voice MY opinion! Just like you do! This is not the fault of our government, this is not the fault of the Republicans or the Democrats, or even the presidents, past or present. This is YOUR FAULT this is MY FAULT. Because we all BLINDLY FOLLOW the So-Called Leader. It's time for this era to end! Stand the hell up and speak your mind! Use Your Brain! Common sense is a wonderful thing to have, now use it for good not evil! Stop the Nonsense! After all…… "Our lives begin to End the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr.


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