Lame Duck Action Alert !

Dear Patriot,

The lame-duck session is underway, and among the many legislative proposals that Congress may consider is the Dairy Market Stabilization Program (DMSP), a misguided “supply management” scheme for milk buried in the $1 trillion Farm Bill. If DMSP passes, it will raise the price you pay for milk and all dairy products. I urge you to watch CCAGW’s new video about the damaging economic impact of DMSP and then tell Congress that you refuse to pay through the nose for milk!

DMSP will limit the supply of milk by penalizing farmers for exceeding government milk production “quotas.” The limits on supply will cause prices to rise, and as a result, we will all pay more at the grocery counter for milk and dairy products, like cheese, yogurt, and ice cream.

The American dairy industry has grown 66 percent in the last 40 years and creates 8,400 jobs for every $1 billion in dairy exports. However, DMSP will also impose a new layer of costly regulations on American companies that manufacture dairy products that will keep them from hiring new workers and expanding their operations.
As our video explains, a system similar to DMSP is in operation in Canada, where the dairy industry has been stagnant for decades and consumers pay significantly higher prices for dairy products than in the United States – so much so that Canadians actually smuggle cheese from the U.S. into Canada!
What’s more, Richard, the higher dairy prices will hit those Americans who can least afford them the hardest, and since the federal government buys 20 percent of milk for school lunch and other nutrition assistance programs, taxpayers will end up paying more as well.

As cash-strapped families prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, we can’t let Congress pass DMSP and give us all less to be grateful for at future holiday tables. Please tell your U.S. Representative and Senators to oppose this new regulatory scheme for milk that will artificially inflate costs for consumers and taxpayers.

Thomas A. SchatzPresident
P.S. Please help us generate an overwhelming public outcry against this misguided federal dairy scheme that Congress can’t ignore. Forward this message to your friends, family, and neighbors.

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