At long last, the election season is finally over.

But there’s no time for a honeymoon. We need to get to work. Fast.

All the noise and arguing of the campaigns nearly drowned out the most important conversation we need to have about how to fix our national debt and avoid the fiscal cliff – what CNN Money calls “the country’s largest, most pressing domestic problem.”

Americans of all backgrounds and beliefs – even politicians! – actually agree on this: it’s time to come together, create a plan, and Fix the Debt.

In Washington, they call these next few weeks between Election Day and the beginning of the new Congress in January the “lame duck” period. But with the fiscal cliff, there’s little time left on the clock, and there’s absolutely no time to be lame.

Over the next few weeks we’re going to be bringing the voice of all those supporting this campaign to Capitol Hill with events, photos, videos (like the one above), and, most importantly, the Citizen’s Petition to Fix the Debt.

To be clear, this isn’t going to be a cakewalk.

We’re going to have to continue building this movement until our work is done and the country is on the right track. So please forward this email, share the petition online, and talk to your neighbors.

There’s a tremendous amount of noise to cut through, but we’re making sure our message to Congress is crystal clear: inaction is NOT an option.

Thank you, as always, for all you’re doing,

Maya MacGuineas
President, Committee for Responsible Federal Budget

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