Final Thoughts On The Eve Of Election Day

On the eve of Election Day I want to leave you with one last thought. It’s not something that comes from me, but rather a dear friend and neighbor. He shared the below comment in a recent post I wrote and I found it compelling because he’s not a political junkie like myself, but rather a concerned citizen who sees the writing on the wall from the last four years. It is my strong belief that when the millions of Americans show up to vote tomorrow, there will be more people who feel like my friend, than those who do not!
The past four years under Obama have been the absolute worst for me in my thirty year career in advertising. Numerous job cuts, pay cuts, company’s forced to downsize and or go out of business, working longer hours without extra pay. Additionally my employer due to rising excessive insurance plan costs having no option but to pass on an extremely high deductible, poor coverage insurance plan onto its employee’s. Had enough!!! Romney’s got my, and my wife’s vote!!!
Tired and frustrated

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