Down to the wire.... what are your predictions?

Down to the wire.... what are your predictions? (included inspiration and a note from Darla Dawald)

Darla Dawald, National Director

Dear Patriots,

We are down to the wire. For the past four years we have griped, moaned, complained, marched, rallied, faxed, signed petitions, called representatives, visited reps, yelled at our television, prayed, paced, and hoped that somehow, someway, we could affect this election and oust the narcissist in chief along with his radical friends.

Many of you signed up to become precinct committeemen, ran for office, became involved in campaigns, the local GOP, the Pachyderm, and other conservative organizations, many of you have volunteered and have made phone calls, placed signs around your community, and a whole slew of other tasks in order to accomplish our goal. We are so proud of all you for your commitment and willingness to step out of the box and work to make a difference in this great nation.

Now we are down to the wire and the race is on... both campaigns are dropping a lot of money into advertising right now. Today and tomorrow and will see many more ads on TV and in every advertising medium available. What you can do is go to your candidates websites and make a donation if you are able.

Swing states information

Additionally, there are phone calls to be made especially in swing states. Door to door precinct walking is essential.

Contact friends, are there any friends that may need a ride? How about elderly people from your church? Offer a ride for these individuals to get out the vote. Young people may need some advice and real truth and information to make the right decision. You can still sway voters and help them make the right decisions.

As our country hangs in the balance we must not sit back and believe that we have this... we don't have this until the election is over then we will know if we had it or not.This is a very close race and could go either way. We haven't completed the work yet. There is more to do and YOU can make all the difference.

I am honored to have spent the last four years in this movement with you. From mid January 2009 when we began planning the historic tax payers march on DC here at our site, to the ObamaCare town halls, to the 9/12/09 when 1.7 million showed up in DC, the 50,000 plus that showed up for the code red rally in DC, to several tea party tours across America, Tax day in DC, to all the rallies, 2010 election and on we have stood shoulder to shoulder. I have enjoyed every moment of it with you.


Patriots, what are your predictions?

1. Do we win the White House Back?

2. Do we gain a majority in the Senate?

3. Do we hold onto our majority in the House?

Don't forget to Vote tomorrow!

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Also, tell us what you are doing to Get Out the Vote (GOTV)


Posted by Darla Dawald, 

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