Death of America?


by Max Tollens Jr

America used to be a country of people with faith, morality, and a strong work ethic that made her the most prosperous nation on Earth. Due to Liberal/Progressive policies of the past 100 years, those qualities have been diluted to the point that half of the nation have become takers. We're on the verge of a bloodless revolution that will re-make America into a socialist or communist nation.

Nothing else seems to explain the re-election of a president who, by past standards, has been a failure. The economy is hanging by a thread, energy costs are skyrocketing, unemployment remains high, the dollar has devalued, the debt piles up on the basis of deficit spending in the trillions; yet half of the country saw fit to continue the status quo.

Some blame the GOP while some blame the complicit media for their cover-up of the president's failures. I blame the media but I place a good portion of that blame on WE the PEOPLE.

Americans have allowed the Liberal/Progressives to redefine moral standards; Americans have allowed Liberal/Progressives to remove faith from the public square. Liberal/Progressives have used Americans' compassion against them while advancing agendas that have made half of the nation dependent upon government.

Americans failed to stand strong for the principles of hard work that made this country a beacon of freedom for the world. Their natural compassion for their fellow man was used to Liberal/Progressives' advantage in the creation of socialist welfare programs.

Americans failed to stand strong for their faith when they allowed religion to be removed from the public square because Liberal/Progressives feigned offense to Christians "preaching" to them. Americans failed to stand for morality during the "sexual revolution" of the late 1960s, leading the way to a court decision that created a "right" to an abortion not found in the Constitution.

Americans have failed to understand or explore the connections between Liberal/Progressives and the policies of the dedicated Socialist/Communist. The agenda is the same, to "progress forward" to communism by avoiding the bloody revolutionary means required to achieve the ends. America has been like the frog placed in a pot of water, slowly boiled to death degree by degree. Until we educate ourselves and our fellow Americans on the dangers we face, the temperature will continue to rise until America the Free is dead.

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