America Lost—Four More Terrifying Years


America lost in this election. The leftist progressives won. The country will now be on an accelerated slope toward socialism. The tax and spend policies will multiply. The debt will expand and explode. The appeasement of terrorist organizations and countries will continue.

Who do we have to blame? All those who voted for Obama and his kind allowed this socialist evil to gain power even after they were warned about how bad it was during the first four years. The majority of Americans wanted entitlements more than they wanted decency and freedom.

And it gets worse. After those four years, assuming our country is still viable, when the progressives have solidified power even more and the Republicans have almost disappeared, guess who will run for the presidency? It will be Hillary of course. Her complicit role in the Benghazi slaughter will have been wiped away from the country’s collective memory. She will energize the women vote, the Hispanic vote, and the AARP vote. Her election, no her crowning, as the first woman president will be assured.

Yet before that crowning takes place, be mindful of a few realities out there. Our date with destiny regarding the GDP and the debt is rapidly approaching. Israel will attack Iran, rightfully so, with or without U.S. involvement. Businesses will fail at record rates. Home prices will tank. The American dream will become a nightmare. There is no hope and a frightful change is coming.

Meanwhile, in the corridors of Iran’s mosques, the schoolrooms of Hezbollah’s madrassas, and the Muslim Brotherhood’s political offices, the Islamists are rolling on the floor in fits of laughter at how stupid America has become. Those same peals of laughter can also be heard in the halls of the Kremlin and in the Communist headquarters in Beijing. The vultures are circling, and America has become the carrion.

The sad truth of what America has become

An inspirational speech from congressman Ron Paul, this is one of my most favorite speech's he has ever made, I don't even think hollywood could write a script on the same level as this speech, I truly believe that if America rejects Ron Paul again in 2012 there will be no more hope, America will collapse somewhere around 2020, and media brainwashed obama supporters will regret voting for lying career politicians and watch this video and cry knowing that they could of voted for a man who would defend the constitution and return America to what made it great!


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