The cause of our country's economic problems

I am just wondering how many have noticed of late how many of the democratic operatives have been repeating the statement "The republicans want us to return to the failed policies of the past that caused the financial collapse and mortgage problems we are suffering through now." I don't know haw many times I have heard this but it would number in the hundreds. Yet I have heard none of the of the talking heads or leading republicans rebut it. Why do we on the right let them preach such garbage without saying, Wait a minute there! It is to easy to explain that the actual reason for the economic woes we are facing were caused by the forcing of banks to make the bad loans to people who could not pay them back. Who started all that, none other than democrat Bill Clinton. Who refused to rein in Freddy and Fannie? Barney and his fellow democrats. Who has spent trillions under the guise of repairing our economy on failed projects like Solyndra, that would not have helped our economy anyway? Obama.
When the democrats are making this statement it is always in the context to lead you to believe that the problems we are having were caused by tax cuts and deregulation. If you tell a lie enough times, especially without rebuttal, it soon will become seen as the truth.
I would urge that everyone contact your Reps. and Senators and tell them to point out the facts behind our economic problems before the democrats manage to implant their story in the minds of those who would not know better.

By : Johnny Smith

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