Obama the Mahdi of Islam and his New World Order - Biblical Prophecy in The News

Quite Interesting video. Good presentation. You  may or may not agree with what this man says.
Watch and make your own judgement.

Published on Sep 17, 2014
This video covers Obama's role in leading the creation of the New World Order as the Mahdi of Islam by helping engineer deceptive Islamic prophecy while fulfilling the role of the Antichrist of the bible. Specifically this video covers events in the world and how it relates to: the Antichrist of the bible and the Mahdi of Islam, Characteristics of the Mahdi, Islam and the New World Order, 7 heads of the beast, The False Prophet and the United Nations of Religion, Military Moves in Middle East and the First Seal, World War III and the Second Seal.
*Sidenote* Just a reminder from last video to give clear context: The Hegelian dialectic is at play in full swing by tactically using "radical" Islam ( ISIS..etc) as a means to justify the uniting of all the "moderate" Muslims world wide. With such a good cop/bad cop maneuver the caliphate forming agenda does not change but in fact is furthered and empowered on a much greater geopolitical scale. ISIS ( many of whom were trained by the US in Jordan as well as empowered by Baghdadi who was released by Obama from a CIA black site) and all such pawns are simply used as a means to unite the "moderate" Muslims in positions of power which in effect supports the formation of a global caliphate in an unprecedented way, including using the jackal armies ( ISIS.. etc) to overthrow regimes and plant "moderates" in power.

Many do believe that Islamofascism is a tool of the elitists seeking the rule of the New World Order. However, many believers say the Mahdi will overtake the NWO and rule over all. 
Who will rule in the end?

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