Return Of Black Nationalism--Aided And Abetted By Self Serving Elitists

Ferguson, Missouri, and Black Nationalism

Yes indeed, those who seek to divide and conquer are doing their job quite well. They are succeeding beyond their wildest dreams. Remember the 60's? This new wave is far more effective and deadly. The Race Baiters search for any incident that can be exploited as a racist act against a hapless Black person and the facts be damned. We are in serious trouble.

Article Excerpt: "Forget the possibility of the enemy at the gates. The enemy has breached the gates. The enemy is within. The enemy is in Washington, D.C., and in Ferguson, Missouri.
The ideology that has grabbed a hold of Ferguson is the same one that destroyed Detroit. Black Nationalism.
Imagine mixing a little Marxism, a generous portion of Islamism, and throwing in bits and pieces of class envy, class warfare, and a compromised version of Christianity that Jesus Christ would fail to recognize, stir it all together with a generous portion of anger and hate thrown in, and you’ve got Black Nationalism.....

"A political ruling elite lusting for a global order are setting us against each other

A political ruling elite lusting for a global order are setting us against each other. They are trying to create crisis, and racism is the easiest tool at their disposal. Generations of Americans have been trained to believe falsehoods, and to war against each other without really knowing the reason why. We are told that only white people can be racist, and all of them probably are. If someone has been handed a lousy hand in life, it’s not their fault, it’s the fault of somebody else. We have been taught we are all victims of one kind, or another. Slavery, stringent laws, big corporations, our parents, Christianity, the republicans, and a whole slew of historical figures that used their wealth to get power and their power to get wealth, we are told, are the cause of all of the woes of society. . . but government will make it all better. Government will tell you how to act, where to live, what to eat, and provide a minimum mediocrity of a life through welfare services, food stamps, and a housing program. You may be miserable under the government’s programs, but everyone will be equal—equally miserable. Nobody will be able to be a greedy business owner. Government will take care of all of those things. All the government asks in return is that you raise your children in their institutions with their curriculums and their version of morality, lay down any arms you may have to protect yourself and only allow the government to be armed (it is for your protection, of course), and give the reigning political party your undying loyalty every election because if you don’t, your subsistence from them will be cut off by the heartless republicans."

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