Global Strong Cities Cold War: Series 5,:“Defining our Social Decline”, Bite #28, Summary of the Ultimate Betrayal

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The Muslim Issue: Why it is No Longer Taught in our Public Schools...

A 232 Year History of our fight against Islam

"Muhammad was once a refugee taken in by the Jewish City of Medina. Within 5-years, he had driven out, executed, or enslaved every jew there."

What's on my mind ?:04/28/17,Tax Payment Act of 1943

What's on my mind?
The current Tax Payment Act of 1943

Marine Le Pen voters claim France could go to war in battle to leave European Union

Le Pen

FRENCH voters who are backing Marine Le Pen have said a civil war may be necessary to liberate the country from the control of Brussels.

Global Strong Cities Cold War: Series 5,:“Defining our Social Decline”, Bite #27, Individual Testimonies

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SPECIAL REPORT: With Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson - Is Trump Betraying America ?

There is a problem with Loyalty with Trump, even though he is doing good things for us.

I am watching Alex Jones with Paul Watson
very good video now

There are alot of serious concerns .

Open letter to Donald J Trump President of the United States Of America.

Sen Lee Wonders Why America Is Funding George Soros' Leftist Subversion Of Europe / Corrupt State Department funneled cash to George Soros overseas operations

george soros mike lee

Well, There Are No Camels in America, So Stay there and Drink All You Want!!!

Imam explains why Muslims do not need medicines “prophet told us to drink camel urine”

Should Berkeley's Mayor Be Indicted? - Here's Evidence He Supports Violence


Often times, partisan passions flare up and frivolous calls to imprison political opponents are thrown around. This happens often enough that sometimes we lose sight of when a political figure genuinely merits an indictment. Now some are calling for the arrest and imprisonment of Berkeley’s liberal Mayor Jesse Arreguin under US code 2385:

'Shattered' Revelation: Clinton Campaign Hatched Russian Hacking Narrative 24 Hours After Hillary's Loss

The new Clinton campaign tell-all, Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign, reveals how Hillary Clinton personally placed blame for her bruising defeat on Russian meddling “within twenty-four hours of her concession speech.”

What's on my mind ?:04/26/17,NOT THAT LIBERALS GIVE A DAMN!

What's on my mind?
What really died at Auschwitz? Interesting!

A Page From The Diary of Bill Sharpe:04/26/17 Here's my thought for today,Welcome to the Revolution Mr. O'Reilly,/Where to start

Global Strong Cities Cold War: Series 5,:“Defining our Social Decline”, Bite #26, Those Leading the Fight

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How To Find Your FB Spies...

Facebook Secrets: Want to See Who’s Monitoring Your Facebook?

Facebook monitoring and censorship is at an all time high. With so many attacks on Independent and Citizen Journalism as of late, wouldn’t it be nice to know who is monitoring your page? With these Facebook secrets, now you can!

Stunning Images of ‘BLM War Zone’ Exposes Federal Fiasco at Bundy Ranch....


New images of cattle rancher Cliven Bundy’s tense standoff with the Federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) on Saturday afternoon reveal how the armed agency’s military operation configured to forcefully engage Bundy cowboys and their supporters who sought to liberate federally confiscated cattle over the weekend.

BREAKING: Document Leaked Finally Reveals What Happened At Bill And Loretta's Airplane Meeting

The entire Clinton family is as crooked as they come, and it’s about time they, and their cronies, were exposed to the world.

The intercepted document, which was labeled as an email and memo, was written up by a Democrat operative. He expressed sincere confidence that Lynch would do everything in her power to keep the Clinton investigation from “going too far.” (via Breitbart) Nonsense like this comes out, and Democrats still cannot figure out why their party is rigged.

Five Americans Who Are Standing Up Against Radical Islam....

Sarah Haider, co-founder of Ex-Muslims of North America.

Who is doing the groundwork in the struggle against Islamist extremism? A lot of the people tackling radical Islam don’t get as much press time as the jihadists they oppose. We want to introduce you to five Americans who are making a difference.

What's on my mind ?:04/25/17,FOOD FOR THOUGHT, The Last Words of A Dying Man...

What's on my mind?
 The last words of Steve Jobs 

LIMBAUGH: Bill O'Reilly Could Have SURVIVED....Very Interesting...

History Is Repeating Itself : The Migration Crises In Europe To Bring Back Nazism And To Destroy Christendom

THIS IS HUGE AND IT IS TRUE. also ANTIFA is a Global Group. Soros-Obama are fueling and funding it. When the news yesterday came that Maine Le Pen was winning , ANFTI began to Riot in France. Soros and Obama were involved in the Asian Spring, the Arab Spring, and the taken down of the EU via the invasion cloaked as refugees. They were not refugees, at all , but hand picked muslim jihadists, men of fighting age. Many are ISIS, Al Nusra, Al Qaeda and former fighters of the middle east proxy wars. They are our creation and they are very dangerous. The Calphate is planned and this is a Global Trojan horse that Trump is helping to stem the tide of here, at our shores. ANTIFA IS ANTI LIBERTY. THEY USE ALINSKY HANDBOOK and Rules for Radicals to ambush us at peaceful rallies, and they are gearing up for a bigger fight. See the FB Groups AMERICANS AGAINST ANTIFA for more information.

Global Strong Cities Cold War: Series 5,:“Defining our Social Decline” ,Bite #25, Fighting the Abuse of Psychology and Psychiatry

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WATCH: Before Being Fired, O’Reilly Released This Video Warning. Watch Before It’s Removed.( To Later its been removed )

DOJ Revokes U.S. Citizenship of Confessed al-Qaeda Recruiter

Khaled Abu al-Dahab – al Qaeda recruiter and EIJ terrorist

President Trumps Weekly Address:And Trump Tweets...4/23/17

Join me at 11:00am:
Watch here:

President Trumps Weekly Address: At 11:00 AM,And Trump Tweets...



The Feminist Movement is being Hijacked:The Death of Women's Rights

As the feminist movement is hijacked by Linda Sasour and Islamists are we witnessing the total destruction of women's rights by radical Islam?

Global Strong Cities Cold War: Series 5,:“Defining our Social Decline”, Bite #24, The Establishment of Citizens Commission for Human Rights

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Horowitz to Conservatives: Stop Being Nice, This Is a Street Fight

Global Strong Cities Cold War: Series 5,:“Defining our Social Decline”, Bite #23 Pearls Poems

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Justice Kennedy will tear down this wall

Justice Kennedy will tear down this wall

PELOSI Interrupted During Anti-Trump Speech, Protesters Call Her a ‘CRIMINAL’

BOMBSHELL - White House Spy Caught, 1511

Al Jazeera Paid Georgia Democrat Over $5,000 in Past 15 Months

Financial disclosure shows direct payment from Qatari network to Jon Ossoff

Jon Ossoff


Jake Tapper Calls Out Obama and The ‘Kool-Aid’ Drinkers