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Sen Lee Wonders Why America Is Funding George Soros' Leftist Subversion Of Europe / Corrupt State Department funneled cash to George Soros overseas operations
Sen Lee Wonders Why America Is Funding George Soros’ Leftist Subversion Of Europe
It’s almost as if Senator Mike Lee hit himself in the side of the head after realizing he could have had a V8. Suddenly he’s concerned about American “aid” money going to line the pockets of George Soros and his anti-American causes across the globe. If he’s really worried now, just wait until the UN climate reparations money tap gets turned on, a real possibility now that the neocons have taken root in the White House. That infamous sucking sound will once again return in a deafening manner to the DC swamp, but it won’t be the swamp that’s being drained, just our treasury, the Soros slush fund.
The information was readily available and known to everyday Americans, but Congress is apparently only now catching on, and asking questions, about the siphoning of our money into the coffers of the number one enemy of our Republic. Based upon this “new” information, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) wrote a letter to the State Department.
Lee tells Fox host Shannon Bream, “We’ve got George Soros – supported organizations like the Open Society Foundation’s network receiving money from the US Agency for International Development. And when we see that these networks are involved in funding a far-left, socialist agenda in Europe, including within some of our ally countries, we have grave concerns, we want those questions answered.”
Do you not have those “grave concerns” when that same Soros network of groups is targeting your own fellow Republicans in town halls, inciting leftist and minority riots as they have done across America and continue to do, and physically assault people, interfering with their free speech and right to assembly here in the United States, Senator? It’s bad overseas, but you people on Capitol Hill are allowing the same cancer to spread in America and doing nothing to stop it.
He continued, “We want to know why it is that US taxpayer dollars are being hijacked and shipped overseas to fund causes that are antithetical to what so many Americans hold dear.”
She points out the questions, probably by political leaders in Macedonia, Hungary, the Czech Republic and elsewhere, asking why US money is being used to destabilize their nations from within and advance an agenda counter to America’s interests. She asks, “What kind of complaints did you get?”
Lee described the complaints as being similar to what she “just articulated very well” that “people are understandably concerned when we’ve got a lot of problems in the world. We’ve got parts of the world where we have allies. And when we have organizations that are being funded, in part, with US taxpayer dollars, that are going out there sowing discord, sowing suspicion, within some of our ally countries, this makes us very nervous and this understandably causes us to want to get answers about why this is happening, how long it’s been occurring, how much money is involved and how we can get out of that.”
Those are decent starter questions, Senator, but we’ve got another one for you and your Congressional Colleagues – how could you possibly not be aware of this, if you’re doing your jobs? It’s been going on for eight years and accelerated with the globalist orchestrated invasion of Europe. John Kerry and Hussein Obama gave their puppeteer Soros money he used in those attacks, how was justified in your oversight?
If you’re serious about correcting the problem, or at least about looking like you’re serious, start by getting rid of James Comey. Get a real FBI Director to investigate and criminally charge George Soros – your letter is a stupid parlor trick. We know your sensitivity to strong language, Senator, but it’s appropriate at times like this. Put the bastard in prison and seize all of his assets. Pretend it was your money he was stealing instead of just that of the lowly American taxpayers.
Corrupt State Department funneled cash to George Soros overseas operations
“The Obama government has quietly spent millions of taxpayer dollars to destabilize the democratically elected, center-right government in Macedonia by colluding with left-wing billionaire philanthropist George Soros, records obtained by Judicial Watch show. Barack Obama’s U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia, Jess L. Baily, has worked behind the scenes with Soros’ Open Society Foundation to funnel large sums of American dollars for the cause, constituting an interference of the U.S. Ambassador in domestic political affairs in violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.” – Judicial Watch News Release
A large contributor to the Deep State seeking the destruction of President Donald Trump's billionaire George Soros.
Despite the multitude of political activities by a multi-billionaire who funds numerous left-wing organizations in the United States — and donates to numerous others such as Black Lives Matter — there appears to be no government law enforcement or regulatory agencies probing even one of his suspicious money trails. While the IRS allegedly violated the rights of nonprofit, conservative groups by secretly stonewalling tax exempt requests, Soros has never been the subject of such an investigation by that agency or anyone else within the federal government labyrinth.
But on Wednesday, officials with the nonpartisan Judicial Watch notified the news media that they had filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Stateand its subsidiary U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for all materials regarding pay outs and political activities of Soros’ Open Society Foundation office located in Macedonia. The Macedonia organization allegedly obtained close to $5 million from USAID between 2012 and 2016.
If the creator of the James Bond spy novels, Ian Fleming, were alive and writing a new thriller today, it wouldn’t be a stretch to believe he’d base his diabolical, untouchable villain on the life and activities of George Soros, including allegations of his being a Nazi-sympathizer (see video below).
The Judicial Watch lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development ). The well-known and successful non-government investigators filed this lawsuit after both the State Department and the USAID failed to respond to a February 16, 2017, FOIA request seeking: All records related to any grants, contracts, or disbursements of funds by the Department of State to the Open Society Foundation – Macedonia and/or any of the Foundation’s subsidiaries. This request includes all related requests for funding, payment authorizations, or similar records, as well as all related records of communication between any official, employee, or representative of the Department of State and any official, employee, or representative of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Any records of communication between any official, employee, or representative of the Department of State and any officer, employee, or representative of the Open Society Foundation -Macedonia and/or any of the Foundation’s affiliated organizations. This request includes responsive records of communication sent from or directed to U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia Jess L. Baily. All analyses or similar records regarding the political activities of the Open Society Foundation -Macedonia and/or any of the Foundation’s affiliated organizations. All messages transmitted via the State Department’s SMART system sent from any U.S. Government employee or contractor operating under the Chief of Mission’s authority at the U.S. Embassy in Skopje that pertain to the Open Society Foundation – Macedonia and/or any of the Foundation’s affiliated organizations.
The USAID reports that between February 27, 2012, and August 31, 2016, they forked over $4,819,125.00 in taxpayer money to Soros’s Open Society Foundation – Macedonia (FOSM), in a partnership with four local civil society organizations.
The USAID’s website links to http://www.soros.org.mk, and says the project trained hundreds of young Macedonians “on topics such as freedom of association, youth policies, citizen initiatives, persuasive argumentation and use of new media.”
At the height of the presidential race between Clinton and Trump, DC Leaks documents lifted from Soros’ Open Society exposed the more than half-million dollars Soros forked over to PACO, a radical organization of community organizers, for travel and lodging for Vatican strategy meetings in anticipation of the 2016 election. Despite the fact that Trump holds tightly to the pro-life philosophy — and in fact, he was endorsed by many Protestant clergy men and women including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s niece Alveda King — the Catholic Church and its U.S. members appear enthralled by the likes of Clinton, Sen. Bernie Sanders, and Sen. Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren, all of whom support partial-birth abortions.
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