I thought it bad a birth certificate was forged. I still do. But in the following few years I learned the BC was only the awakening. It is merely the issue that opened the eyes to see a lot more is wrong. I must now conclude the United States govt is as corrupt as a human body being devoured by a malignant tumor.
We are a controlled nation. The power brokers and political leaders are able to con 80% of this nation into accepting a forged birth certificate as mere conspiracy theory. How emboldened must they feel? They know full well they can play the public for absolute fools. They lie about Benghazi, Fast and Furious, how well the economy is doing, use illegal aliens like an invading army, get rich in Congress, and ignore anything the people say.
I believed when Americans learn the truth, that Obama used a forgery like this, they would be up in arms over it. I still believe that. But America is conned because we have stayed silent. We let Democrat and Republican congressmen bitch slap us with their corruption and we went silent. If the corruption is worth exposing it is now down to you to do it. It is not political leaders you want to reach. It is fellow Americans. Your neighbors, your countrymen, fellow citizens. They are the last group to reach.
Can you say “YES AMERICA, IT IS A FORGERY” and keep telling it until every American knows it? Keep reposting it? Too worried you will be called racist?
Barack Hussein Obama. Never before has so much forgery, been so conclusive, and so ignored. Especially by those that know it is a forgery.

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