"Political Ramblings!"

The Far Left is pushing for gun control, the GOP is as screwed up as ever
Will things in Washington DC ever improve?? I'm afraid the answer is never
Every time Obama opens his mouth he says things that infuriate me
Are the House Republicans really this dumb to want as Speaker a Kevin McCarthy?

I saw him interviewed on FOX News. He suffers from a severe case of foot in mouth disease
It will be just as bad if not worse for the GOP if the Speakership he's able to seize
The fact that John Boehner supports him should be the 'kiss of death' for Kevin
He should be immediately be dismissed but something tells me that he'll probably win

The Republican base deserves better than this. They have been so loyal to a fault. The GOP so takes them for granted
I tell you, my fellow patriots, how much longer can we put up being so thoroughly disenchanted??
The Democrats are relentless in pursuing their agenda. The dumbing down of America helps them to initiate radical policies by the score
Obama has over a year left to go. We need much, much less of him not more!

I've never seen my fellow citizens this angry. It's taken so long for them to finally realize these politicians are hopeless and they must go
Is it their inaction, incompetency and stupidity that's  leading this country to ruination. That is all I know
One important lesson that we should take from this Obama Presidency and should never ever forget
is that it is very possible to elect someone with a totalitarian mindset

This Administration would love nothing better to confiscate each and every gun
in this nation
The assault continues on our Second Amendment right. How long before our Constitution undergoes complete obliteration
Obama pretends that he can take on Russia's Vladimir Putin
Who the hell does our President thinks that he's kiddin'??

On the campaign Front it looks like it won't wind up being Jeb versus Hillary
Maybe it will wind up being the DON running against JOEY B
Now that I would call reality TV. It would be a show filled with insults and laughs
The DON will be tweeting barbs like crazy and out his mouth of Biden will come endless gaffes

The day that Obama leaves office our Constitution will have to dry off. It will have been wet and not just a little
You have to understand it will have had eight years of Barack Obama's spittle
It is hard to imagine a despicable cretin like Obama using our nation's most precious document as a spittoon
This monster's true legacy will be that he left our beloved America near ruin

But wait. There is more bad news. In January 2017 Obama will be with us. Of him we will have lots and lots more.
This insufferable son of a bitch will be starting his "Post Presidency Whining Tour"
He will be at his most thin skinned best. He no doubt will bemoan that he ran out of time before he totally destroyed our America
If only the GOP hadn't controlled Congress he could have put in place every disgusting thing in his Agenda

Since the days of Warren Harding Jimmy Carter's Presidency has been judged the worst
Whenever one was asked about what President was the most awful his name always came up first
But vindication has come to Jimmy Carter. His name will hardly get a mention
That honor will go to Obama. He will have earned that distinction

I hope you have enjoyed these ramblings. It helps me in my tortured daily life to cope
I love my country with all of my heart and for its resurgence I never ever want to lose hope
It is time for us to get back to the great tried and true conservative values. That would be a great agenda
So let me end and please by saying, GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU AND MAY GOD ALWAYS BLESS AMERICA!!!!

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