You're temporarily restricted from joining and posting to groups until Tuesday at 6:41am.
RESTRICTION ONE ends Tuesday at 6:41am
You're temporarily restricted from joining and posting to groups until Tuesday at 6:41am.
Now trending: fb bias against conservative groups.
I wanted to throw in my experience on it. Just to show what is happening:
Back in 12/15 fb made changes. It was fb jail, but that time they actually deleted every post I ever made in every group I ever posted. That jail ended on 12/12/15 and they did restore the posts. They even deleted every post I made in groups I was the admin. The only posts they left were in pages and my own timeline.
I wrote this article about everything they deleted:
On 2/6/16 I posted when fb changed their tactics “Now fb is not allowing posting more than a few times in group pages before they restrict me from posting in any groups. They do not even allow me to post in the 19 groups I am an admin in. They do allow me to post on my own timeline, mighty generous of them.”
On 2/6/16 I posted when fb changed their tactics “Now fb is not allowing posting more than a few times in group pages before they restrict me from posting in any groups. They do not even allow me to post in the 19 groups I am an admin in. They do allow me to post on my own timeline, mighty generous of them.”
On 2/7/16 I fb changed on me again and I edited the above article with this “ (fb now blocks me after posting in a few pages. The jail has expanded since the original posting of this article).”
On 2/9/16 fb changed up again. I amended the same article with this “ Now, instead of straight to jail, they have a new tactic to limit posts. In an article like this, you can click on the picture and copy the URL in the address bar at the top of the page. Then you can paste it in a group or anywhere on line. Normally when that is done, the article and picture appears after a few moments. Now, after about 10 posts the article does not show up, only the copied URL is there. Granted one can click the URL and see the posts, but who likes to click a URL. Just another fb tactic limiting posts.”
And this” I am also getting more of those pages that want you type in alpha numeric characters. My past experience with those pages have always landed me in fb jail as well. I tend to exit the browser when I get that, and stop fopr a while.”
On 2/11/16 I added the lists of fb jail time to the end of the article.
For years and thousands of postings, 80% on a single issue, and I never had as many problems with fb jail as I recently have!
The restriction has lifted
Feb 6
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You're no longer restricted from joining and posting to groups.
The restriction has lifted
Jan 30
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You're no longer restricted from joining and posting to groups.
The restriction has lifted
Feb 3
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You're no longer restricted from joining and posting to groups.
The restriction has lifted
Jan 26
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You're no longer restricted from joining and posting to groups.
The restriction has lifted
Jan 19
You're no longer restricted from joining and posting to groups.
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You're no longer restricted from joining and posting to groups.
The restriction has lifted
Dec 12, 2015
You're no longer restricted from joining and posting to groups.
On 2/21/16 I posted this in the 5th version of the same article
“ Fb keeps changing their tactics. Fb seems to be intent on driving me away. My posting is getting very limited. This last time I put up 6 posts and got jail. Being an admin in 20 groups, I cannot even make one post to each group without going to jail. I have, in the past been able to make hundreds of posts in a day, now I can be in jail at 6.”
“It does appear I am being singled out. I know of other persons that are still making numerous posts, and show no signs of being blocked. Seems every time I turn around these days, is fb jail.”
Fb is no longer using those alpha-numeric bot detectors, they just put me in jail after 10 posts. I have tried going to boosting posts. That is paying to advertise a post. After about two they never passed review again. Mostly just say text was more than 20% of the post.
“ Fb keeps changing their tactics. Fb seems to be intent on driving me away. My posting is getting very limited. This last time I put up 6 posts and got jail. Being an admin in 20 groups, I cannot even make one post to each group without going to jail. I have, in the past been able to make hundreds of posts in a day, now I can be in jail at 6.”
“It does appear I am being singled out. I know of other persons that are still making numerous posts, and show no signs of being blocked. Seems every time I turn around these days, is fb jail.”
Fb is no longer using those alpha-numeric bot detectors, they just put me in jail after 10 posts. I have tried going to boosting posts. That is paying to advertise a post. After about two they never passed review again. Mostly just say text was more than 20% of the post.
So how many other people and pages have been getting
harassed by fb? Mr Zuckerberg, why don’t you just come right out and tell
people you hate conservatives? Why don’t you just state you only want a free
medium for the NSA, paid govt trolls, and liberals?
Why am I limited to only 10 posts in a short time when I can
see others post more? Is it you doing it or just biased employees you give a
wink too? Are you actually fair and open with = rules for all? Or a leftist
media tool? Why after several years is this happening now?
Are you going to limit every person to 10 posts in 3 hours?
Or just the ones you like can keep posting?