Democrats, on the other hand, are too blinded by their own arrogance to do this kind of serious soul-searching after a disastrous election like the one they just went through. Oh sure, liberal blogs have to fill their content quotas, so you get a little bit of the “We shoulda nominated Bernie” stuff, but it’s mostly limited to the far-left fringes of the conversation. As far as the majority of elected Democrats in this country are concerned, the only real mistake they made was not campaigning enough in the Rust Belt. Other than that, Hillary Clinton and downballot Democrats did everything they could possibly do to win the election.
Unfortunately, there’s only so much you CAN do when the Russians are attacking, the media won’t stop putting Trump on the air, fake news is all over Facebook, the FBI is trying to sink the ship, WikiLeaks is out to get you, and everything is just so damn unfair!
Democrats believe, truly and wholeheartedly, that we live in a country that LOVES Democratic Party policies. They believe that if we held an election where every single eligible citizen was forced to cast a ballot, Republicans would never win again. They believe it so much that they are now trying to put that grand experiment into action.