Center for Security Policy | Poll of U.S. Muslims Reveals Ominous Levels Of Support For Islamic Supremacists’ Doctrine of Shariah, Jihad
According to a new nationwide online survey (Below) of 600 Muslims living in the United States, significant minorities embrace supremacist notions that could pose a threat to America’s security and its constitutional form of government.
The numbers of potential jihadists among the majority of Muslims who appear not to be sympathetic to such notions raise a number of public policy choices that warrant careful consideration and urgent debate, including: the necessity for enhanced surveillance of Muslim communities; refugee resettlement, asylum and other immigration programs that are swelling their numbers and density; and the viability of so-called “countering violent extremism” initiatives that are supposed to stymie radicalization within those communities.
Obama: Your in my house...
When will you be removed?
We say we like Masterpiece Theatre but we watch the Kardashians? Our TV programming will all look like the Kardashians. Now, why do our politicians all look like Obama, Hillary and Boehner?
We once had a CLEAR VISION of what life was & where are hopes & dreams were going...We now have a society DRUNK with OBSESSIONS & PERVERSIONS of every sort.....Meanwhile, this GOVERNMENT has STOLEN everything we have, we were & will ever be...
We made this BED (now full of Excrement) we now sleep in.....The STENCH is RANCID & the MAGGOTS have taken over.....
If this is UTOPIA, Id rather be DEAD....
We once had a CLEAR VISION of what life was & where are hopes & dreams were going...We now have a society DRUNK with OBSESSIONS & PERVERSIONS of every sort.....Meanwhile, this GOVERNMENT has STOLEN everything we have, we were & will ever be...
We made this BED (now full of Excrement) we now sleep in.....The STENCH is RANCID & the MAGGOTS have taken over.....
FIX BAYONETS: FIX BAYONETS: America On Life Support Part II Submitted by Dee Fatouros
When our current President assumed office he began to make many "mistakes". People wondered if he were truly in over his head and/or just had terrible advisers. Others suspected that he was indeed, no fool but had an agenda, to soften and weaken America for the Globalist, Islamic, Communist takeover.
Several schools of thought were bandied about as to which one it might be. Many had a choice of one and others saw an unholy alliance of Islamism and Communism funded and driven by the Globalists. Those who saw the true path of our national destruction from the beginning were excoriated and belittled in every possible way in the true Alinsky style--“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”
A gradual awareness is beginning to dawn on much of the electorate. If it is to little too late remains to be seen. Do the elitists have such a strangle hold on world dynamics that they cannot be overcome? Possibly. Many fear defeat is inevitable. This write up will further explore the corruption and power grabbing by our "leaders" but does end with a possible ray of hope.
The Constitution, What Constitution?
Is Obama Tied With Far-Left Terrorist Group?
The very fact that such an organization with the following agenda exists in the United States Of America is beyond comprehension. Prominent women who have spoken out against Islam and Sharia Law are actually being threatened to the point that they fear for their safety.
To those who are in denial and continue to say "it can't happen here" pay attention! This SPLC action is only one of many ways that indicate we have become a totalitarian nation.
Did The Obama administration Threatened to take Roberts children away from him
God's Loving Mercy
he, being full of compassion, forgave their iniquity, and destroyed
them not: yea, many a time turned he his anger away, and did not stir
up all his wrath.
by Danny Jeffrey
It is a terrible thing when the various leaders of the nations of the world boldly lie to the those whom they are supposed to protect and tell them that everything is right, when they know that everything is wrong. To further complicate the issues it is also a terrible thing when the useful idiots of those nations accept those lies as truth and consequently develop a militant attitude towards any who know the real truth and attempt to reveal those truths to the masses, who quite simply do not want to know. They choose the temporary safety of being secure in the care of their leaders. To them this is a way of life. Sadly, future events will prove that they have chosen a way of death. To each his own.
Using a Quote from Bob Dylan, “YOU DON’T NEED A WEATHERMAN TO KNOW WHICH WAY THE WIND BLOWS” it seems to me that unless some epiphany or a “Come To JESUS Moment “ happens SOON….you best be looking for the Daffy Duck signature statement…THAT’S ALL FOLKS….because this Freight Train is rolling down the pike & seems unstoppable....It seems self-evident to those who are willing to open up their EYES to the TRUTH….Whatever that is anymore….
When we stopped believing in the merits of Virtue, of Hard Work, of true Knowledge, of self Sacrifice, of Faith we destroyed all of the Fortunes of our Dreams, our Hopes & our Prayers….Then I ask you WHY ARE WE HERE? What is our Reason for Living? Then I ask you this Who Is Your MASTER? Who do you Serve? And to what end? What is the Purpose? WHY, WHY, WHY? What is your answer? I remind you the Road To Hell Is Lined With Good Intentions….
And while all of us have sinned we have made the bed in which we now sleep….As this Government veered further & further from the Truth while DIVING headfirst in to Corruption…..we did NOTHING to DERAIL the TRAIN WRECK…..
We elected Liars, Losers, Parasites, Extortionists , Joker, Fools, Idiots, Sociopaths & EVIL…time & time & time *time again…to Loot, Pillage,Con, Lie & Murder every good intention this Country was Founded on…Is it that they Committed Murder or Did we have a DEATH WISH & Committed SUICIDE Via GOVERNMENT….
While it is sad, but the AMERICA, flaws & all that I grew up in is DEAD & gasping for Air…..Yet the EVIL LEADERSHIP of this Growing COMMUNIST STATE tell us we are being Legislated into a BIBLICAL, “UTOPIA”…….If you believe that line of CRAP….I’ll sell you some SMART PILLS (GOAT Excrement) to eat that are guaranteed to make you SMARTER …….
We were told all Governments were Corrupt & there was nothing we could do to stop it…We were told this Government was accountable to us the people….We were told we had Freedom of Speech, the Press, to assemble …we were told we were free to choose….We Were Lied To….that is NO-LONGER TRUE….The only real difference between The World’s Greatest FRAUD (BARRY) & HITLER or STALIN is BARRY is a MUSLIM BASTARD & BLACK….He gets a Free Pass because of it too….
Right now we the people are being FEAR-MONGERED to DEATH…..a relentless propaganda campaign sells us on a looming RACE WAR, A looming Financial Crash, A War with Russia, With IRAN ….and yet they have the unmitigated gall to tell the WORLD the REAL PROBLEMS lie within the White Blue-eyed Conservatives of the world….Who won’t allow Muslims to kill CHRISTIANS, Let HOMO’s get Married, Boys to become Girls , let Pedophiles have their children as LOVERS…meanwhile pay for every damn FOOD STAMP, Every Illegal’s citizenship & Medical care & so on & so on this INSANE PATH we go
OK now is HILLERY the answer? Is JEB BUSH the answer? Is this COMMUNIST UTOPIA worth all your years of SACRIFICE we’ve collectively made…..Answer: HELL NO….We are being FATTENED up for SLAUGHTER….We have Cannibalized our own WORLD….I hope you are PROUD of your COWARDICE …You said Nothing, you did nothing & they will KILL all who resist their VIEW of the world…I’d Rather be DEAD….I’m sure they will be happy to comply ….I will see them in HELL
While you were slaving to stay alive, feed the family….you/we lost the WAR…
Pope Engages in Blasphemy
by Suzanne Hamner
Again, another day of “ranting” emerges, as things have just “stuck in my craw,” as my grandmother would say. Being this “rant” speaks about the Pope of the Catholic Church, I composed this one carefully. Many government leaders see the man as not only “head” of the Catholic Church but as someone who has an insight into Christians as a whole. Theycount on the Pope to “sway” and “keep in line” the millions of Catholics worldwide to varying states of government. Pope Francis I does his job well.
Being a protestant Christian, the understanding of the structure of the leadership of the Catholic Church escapes me. One man stands above all others in matters of the Word of God and the church doctrine in Catholicism. This requires the man be of unquestionable faith, steadfast in his beliefs, a practitioner of the Word of God, pure in heart and character, just, and beyond reproach in every way. Daresay no man on this earth meets those requirements. The only man on earth who met those requirements received crucifixion so that others receive salvation.
Upon hearing the Pope of the Catholic Church has “pontificated” on climate change, my curiosity peaked. What would a “man of God” say regarding the false narrative of this environmental oppression of any people? Surely, a true man of God would hold to God’s word when speaking about falsehoods — Not this Pope. He took the opportunity to indulge in “incredibly stupid” and show his less than “holy” nature.
Pope Francis I issued an encyclical that interpreted the Bible rather loosely to support a falsehood, sanction government theft in the guise of redistribution, give credence to secular philosophy, and used guilt against those who see the truth in science, while quoting an Islamic poet. The Pope’s encyclical parroted “half-truths” of science regarding climate change. A half-truth remains a partial lie.
The Pope implied that individuals rejecting the “climate change” science as “indifferent to the poor’s suffering, against the protection and enhancement of the poor and underprivileged,” and trying to mask problems through ignoring efforts to mitigate it. In other words, the Pope supports more governmental theft through wealth redistribution under the falsehood of climate change. He ignores one of God’s commandments, “Thou shalt not steal.”
Why doesn’t the Pope order the allocation of vast Vatican resources to the “poor and underprivileged” since he supports theft by government upon others? It is better to give than to receive after all. The Pope should practice what he’s trying to sell to others in regards to the poor and underprivileged if that is what he truly believes. The real question is “what does this Pope truly believe?” His numerous comments and this encyclical touching on climate change suggest his belief isn’t in God or God’s word. Pope Francis I supports the lies coming from the “world government wannabe” — the United Nations.
Some would accuse those scientists advocating against climate change as paid “shills” for the Koch brothers or some other group; however, the UN IPCC and scientists advocating in favor of climate change are definitely paid by government and those who hold an “interest” in controlling vast numbers of people. These climate change-supporting scientists at the UN IPCC admitted manipulating their data predictions making the outcomes a falsehood.
But, what does this have to do with the Pope? It appears the Pope is aligning himself with the “political” fad of the time against aligning himself with God and God’s Word. He chooses to advocate falsehoods instead of exposing them; he promotes a lie in the name of God. His sin and blasphemy is on full display. One could say Pope Francis I is the “Joel Osteen” of the Catholic faith.
According to Dr. Wei-Hock Soon, “the church knows that many of the predicted catastrophic disasters from the rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide are highly exaggerated if not downright fraudulent. Yet Laudato Si’ gives credence and praise to these predictions by relying on climate models scenarios that have been proven to be false.”
Instead of questioning the science by the UN IPCC, since they admitted falsifying models, and denouncing the falsehood, the Pope encourages compliance with falsehoods. Who can take this man seriously as a devout man of God much less as the head of the Catholic Church? An elementary school age child knows plants require carbon dioxide for growth and sustainment. Evidently, Pope Francis I missed that day in school.
This Pope chastised the journalists at Charlie Hebdo claiming they should know the “limit of free speech” regarding blasphemy. Blasphemy? No journalist there committed “blasphemy”; at least, no definition of blasphemy any Christian knows by doing or saying things against the Lord Our God or Our Savior, Jesus Christ. Did this Pope sanction murder because these journalists cartooned Mohammed? Where was this Pope in calling “blasphemy” against the depiction of a crucifix in a jar of urine or the painting of Mary, the mother of Jesus, covered in dung? Silent as the night Pope Francis I remained. According to this Pope, it’s only blasphemy when criticism of Islam and Mohammed, may camel dung be upon him, occur. He justified his position by saying that if “someone cursed his mother, they would have to expect to get punched.”
There is a big difference between defending the character of someone “with a punch” and committing murder because of a “cartoon.” It’s amazing the man even compared the two. He said freedom of speech has limits when dealing with Islam. In other words, the Pope backs sharia law, the law of Mohammed, may camel dung be upon him, instead of God’s law.
Pope Francis I denied the God-given right of freedom of speech to everyone, reserving it only for heathen cultists, and has now thrown Romans 13 under the bus. He supports a lie while denying truth. Upturning God’s Word, the “leader” of the Catholic Church validates government’s right to theft based on a lie under the guise of government being ordained of God. God only ordains government that does good works and fights evil. Once government becomes evil and wicked, it ceases to be ordained by God meaning the people should resist its wickedness and evilness. In supporting the perversion of Romans 13, Pope Francis I figuratively condemns those who would stand against such wickedness and violation of God’s Word. This is a man of God? This is who Bishops, Cardinals or whoever selected to be the leader of the Catholic Church? It appears the United States is not alone in experiencing “leadership” problems.
In an incredible, unbelievable section of the encyclical, Pope Francis I quoted an Islamic poet. Seriously? The leader of the Catholic Church quoted a poet who follows the teachings of Mohammed, may camel dung be upon him, which encourage murder, pedophilia, rape, kidnapping, necrophilia, female genital mutilation, slavery, misogyny, and oppression.
And, yet again, this “Pope” declared those who manufacture weapons or invest in weapons cannot call themselves Christian. Pope Francis I missed the memo that machetes, used by ISIS to behead “infidels,” are weapons. He forgot that his own Swiss Guard does what… carry weapons. One thing the Pope got right was saying, “duplicity is the currency of today … they say one thing and do another.” Hello? Pope Francis I. Snow White’s stepmother called and asked for her mirror back. This Pope knows about duplicity since he’s been practicing it.
The Pope suffers some type of memory difficulty or either he’s “all there” and chooses to go against God. God endowed every individual with the inherent right of survival — the “right to life.” People possess the innate instinct to defend themselves and their loved ones against harm. The Pope missed that with his “curse my mother and you’ll get punched” comment. I suggest he cease calling himself a Christian since he promotes falsehoods and compliance with government wickedness, supports sharia law of “blasphemy,” basically committed blasphemy, and shows irreverence through his own duplicity.
The “bat guano crazy” fruit tree resides at the Vatican and the Pope partakes and shares of its fruit.
When religious “leaders” succumb to the desires of political yearnings and driven by social motivations instead of upholding God’s Word and Law, these men, who call themselves men of God, cease to be credible and a servant of God. They deserve to be removed from positions to minister God’s word to others. In the case they cannot, faithful followers of Christ should denounce them refusing to give heed to their ministry. Man cannot serve both God and government, when government goes against God and His Laws. Pope Francis I made his choice and it appears it was not God.
What is the Pope getting or expect to get in return for his commission of sacrilege, his violation of God’s word and law, and his sell-out of Catholic Christians and Christians in general? Instead of preparing himself a place in heaven, this Pope secures himself a place in this earthly world in hopes of receiving worldly treasures from governments with whom he aligns. Pope Francis I secures his place among the most corrupt and irreverent Popes in history with his “devotion” to secularism, communism, blasphemy, duplicity and the violating of God’s word.
Suzanne Hamner (pen name) is a registered nurse, grandmother of 4, and a political independent residing in the state of Georgia, who is trying to mobilize the Christian community in her area to stand up and speak out against tyrannical government, invasion by totalitarian political systems masquerading as religion and get back to the basics of education.
Why Do We Just Continue To Let Our Country Go Downhill
by Linda Gross Clapper
Okay, I've been pretty silent "politically" on my timeline lately due to so many who are either in denial where our country is headed or they don't care, think everything is just fine and God will take care of it for us. I know He cares about each one of us, but I also know that He must be upset with us, that we just continue to let our country go downhill, the country he so richly blessed us with and there is no outrage. I am thinking of putting this on there. What do you all think?
Please let me know where I am wrong.

"This is going to be the most saddest 4th of July in my memory...partly because I feel like my God and my country is under attack and being defeated and because of the tyranny of our president, our U.S. Congress (we have to pass it so you can know what's in it, for example), and now the U.S. Supreme Court has become legislators twice within a week! None of what I say on here is made up. It's the facts...the cold hard facts. We've had more terrorist attacks recently, even a Muslim who beheaded a woman who had refused to accept Allah, but yet it's deemed workplace violence just like Fort Hood?
There should be outrage by all U.S. citizens and most ESPECIALLY by Christians. We've had other terrorist attacks, but we're being warned now by our government that what has just happened in 3 countries (France is one of them) will probably start happening here. Am I wrong to be so concerned? We all know that God won't be defeated, but He did tell us there will be perilous times and persecution, especially in the latter days. I think those hard times have just arrived...but not because of the Supreme Court, our president, or our Congress, but because there is no real outrage being shown on the steps of our Supreme Court, Capitol building and the White House!
We do have that freedom and that right, you know. We've already had one beheading in the U.S. by one who hates Christ, as stated before labeled workplace violence.. How many more beheadings will have to happen before people realize there is reason to be concerned.....very concerned? God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent. And HE also gave us free will to do what he blessed us with and that's to resist and fight against Evil. He tells us that. But to me, it looks like too many, especially Christians, are just going to sit back and let us grow weaker and let this happen. Where is the OUTRAGE? How dare they try to remove my God, our God of MY nation? How dare they attack God's Israel? Seriously, here is the outrage? Am I wrong to feel that of all times we need to be "activists", it is when our country and our faith is under attack.
And they are both under attack here like never ever before. Really, now, am I crazy to care this much and to be this concerned? Are we going to sit back comfortably now, enjoying what we have, thinking we'll only become concerned when this all starts to happen in our state, our city, or our neighborhoods which is when it will be so much harder to fight this tyrannical aggression against us? It is here on our soil now! “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12) “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7) “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” (Luke 10:19)
When the rule of men conflicts with the commands of God, the Bible leaves no doubt about where we should stand. And when evil is overtaking our country, when opponents of God come on our soil, we should be ready to resist. And when our opponents are on our soil, most especially in our government, do we just sit back and let it happen without at least some real outrage, some resistance by letting them know? Our Founding Fathers relied on Divine Providence in creating our government and our Constitution and was strictly based on Judeo-Christian beliefs. God was in control, but by doing nothing to stop this tyranny when we easily could do this together, now, as a large group, it feels to me as if we are excluding God, too, that we are permitting Him via evidence of Him to be removed with no resistance whatsoever! Sure, nobody can take my faith away, that I will always have that. But why so easily are we going to let go of the freedom we have now that God so richly blessed us with over 200 years ago?
There's my opinion for the day, little that it matters. I really don't care anymore if you agree with me or not. My gut wrenches anyway that maybe we're all "throwing the baby out with the bathwater" right now and I alone cannot stop it and neither can 10's of thousands who are just like me, who revere God and ALL He has so richly blessed us with and I won't part with it easily! That I do know and that I immensely care about.
More Below :
15 Signs That The Quality Of Jobs In America Is Going Downhill Really Fast
The Children of Wrath
whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of
our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and
were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.
Whitewashing The Democratic Party's Racist History
The less racist the South gets, the more Republican it becomes.
Here’s what the former president of the United States had to say when he eulogized his mentor, an Arkansas senator: We come to celebrate and give thanks for the remarkable life of J. William Fulbright, a life that changed our country and our world forever and for the better. . . . In the work he did, the words he spoke and the life he lived, Bill Fulbright stood against the 20th century’s most destructive forces and fought to advance its brightest hopes.
So spoke President William J. Clinton in 1995 of a man was among the 99 Democrats in Congress to sign the “Southern Manifesto” in 1956. (Two Republicans also signed it.) The Southern Manifesto declared the signatories’ opposition to the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education and their commitment to segregation forever. Fulbright was also among those who filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That filibuster continued for 83 days.
Speaking of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, let’s review (since they don’t teach this in schools): The percentage of House Democrats who supported the legislation? 61 percent. House Republicans? 80 percent. In the Senate, 69 percent of Democrats voted yes, compared with 82 percent of Republicans. (Barry Goldwater, a supporter of the NAACP, voted no because he thought it was unconstitutional.)
When he was running for president in 2000, Vice President Al Gore told the NAACP that his father, Senator Al Gore Sr., had lost his Senate seat because he voted for the Civil Rights Act. Uplifting story — except it’s false. Gore Sr. voted against the Civil Rights Act. He lost in 1970 in a race that focused on prayer in public schools, the Vietnam War, and the Supreme Court.
Al Gore’s reframing of the relevant history is the story of the Democratic party in microcosm. The party’s history is pockmarked with racism and terror. The Democrats were the party of slavery, black codes, Jim Crow, and that miserable terrorist excrescence, the Ku Klux Klan. Republicans were the party of Lincoln, Reconstruction, anti-lynching laws, and the civil rights acts of 1875, 1957, 1960, and 1964. Were all Republicans models of rectitude on racial matters? Hardly. Were they a heck of a lot better than the Democrats? Without question.
As recently as 2010, the Senate’s president pro tempore was former Ku Klux Klan Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd (D., W.Va.). Rather than acknowledge their sorry history, modern Democrats have rewritten it. The Democrats have been sedulously rewriting history for decades.
You may recall that when MSNBC was commemorating the 50th anniversary of segregationist George Wallace’s “Stand in the Schoolhouse Door” stunt to prevent the integration of the University of Alabama, the network identified Wallace as “R., Alabama.”
The Democrats have been sedulously rewriting history for decades. Their preferred version pretends that all the Democratic racists and segregationists left their party and became Republicans starting in the 1960s. How convenient. If it were true that the South began to turn Republican due to Lyndon Johnson’s passage of the Civil Rights Act, you would expect that the Deep South, the states most associated with racism, would have been the first to move. That’s not what happened. The first southern states to trend Republican were on the periphery: North Carolina, Virginia, Texas, Tennessee, and Florida. (George Wallace lost these voters in his 1968 bid.) The voters who first migrated to the Republican party were suburban, prosperous New South types. The more Republican the South has become, the less racist.
Is it unforgivable that Bill Clinton praised a former segregationist? No. Fulbright renounced his racist past, as did Robert Byrd and Al Gore Sr. It would be immoral and unjust to misrepresent the history.
What is unforgivable is the way Democrats are still using race to foment hatred. Remember what happened to Trent Lott when he uttered a few dumb words about former segregationist Strom Thurmond? He didn’t get the kind of pass Bill Clinton did when praising Fulbright. Earlier this month, Hillary Clinton told a mostly black audience that “what is happening is a sweeping effort to disempower and disenfranchise people of color, poor people and young people from one end of our country to another. . . . Today Republicans are systematically and deliberately trying to stop millions of American citizens from voting.” She was presumably referring to voter-ID laws, which, by the way, 51 percent of black Americans support.
Racism has an ugly past in the Democratic party. The accusation of racism has an ugly present. —
As the South abandoned its prejudices, it shifted to the GOP.
The unsinkable Representative Charles B. Rangel appeared on C-SPAN over the weekend. Why unsinkable? Well, in 2010 the House of Representatives censured the New York Democrat by a vote of 333 to 79 (when the body was still majority-Democratic) for violating 11 ethics rules and “bringing discredit to the House.” The New York Times called it a “staggering fall” for the senior Democrat. But fall/shmall, he’s since been reelected and will retire at his leisure.
While chatting with Brian Lamb, Rangel dropped a few falsehoods as casually as cigar ash. This isn’t to pick on Rangel; he’s just illustrative. His assertion — that the Republican and Democratic parties “changed sides” in the 1960s on civil rights, with white racists leaving the Democratic party to join the Republicans — has become conventional wisdom. It’s utterly false and should be rebutted at every opportunity.
It’s true that a Democratic president, Lyndon Johnson, shepherded the 1964 Civil Rights Act to passage. But who voted for it? Eighty percent of Republicans in the House voted aye, as against 61 percent of Democrats. In the Senate, 82 percent of Republicans favored the law, but only 69 percent of Democrats. Among the Democrats voting nay were Albert Gore Sr., Robert Byrd, and J. William Fulbright.
The Republican presidential candidate in 1964 also opposed the Civil Rights Act. Barry Goldwater had been an enthusiastic backer of the 1957 and 1960 civil rights acts (both overwhelmingly opposed by Democrats). He was a founding member of the Arizona chapter of the NAACP. He hired many blacks in his family business and pushed to desegregate the Arizona National Guard. He had a good-faith objection to some features of the 1964 act, which he regarded as unconstitutional.
Goldwater was no racist. The same cannot be said of Fulbright, on whom Bill Clinton bestowed the Medal of Freedom. Fulbright was one of the 19 senators who signed the “Southern manifesto” defending segregation.
Okay, but didn’t all the old segregationist senators leave the Democratic party and become Republicans after 1964? No, just one did: Strom Thurmond. The rest remained in the Democratic party — including former Klansman Robert Byrd, who became president pro tempore of the Senate.
Former racists of both parties renounced their old views (as Kevin D. Williamson points out, Lyndon Johnson himself voted against anti-lynching laws and poll-tax repeals), and neither party has a perfect record on racial matters by any stretch. But it is a libel to suggest that the Republican party, the anti-slavery party, the party of Lincoln, and the party that traditionally supported civil rights, anti-lynching laws, and integration, became the racist party after 1964.
The “solid south” Democratic voting pattern began to break down not in the 1960s in response to civil rights but in the 1950s in response to economic development and the Cold War. (Black voters in the north, who had been reliable Republicans, began to abandon the GOP in response to the New Deal, encouraged by activists like Robert Vann to “turn Lincoln’s picture to the wall. That debt has been paid in full.”) In the 1940s, the GOP garnered only about 25 percent of southern votes. The big break came with Eisenhower’s victories. Significant percentages of white southerners voted for Ike even though the Democratic party remained firmly segregationist and even though Eisenhower backed two civil-rights bills and enforced the Brown decision by federalizing the National Guard. They also began to send GOP representatives to the House.
These Republican gains came not from the most rural and “deep south” regions, but rather from the
newer cities and suburbs. If the new southern Republican voters were white racists, one would have expected Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia to be the first to turn. Instead, as Gerard Alexander notes in “The Myth of the Racist Republicans,” the turn toward the GOP began in Virginia, North Carolina, Texas, Tennessee, and Florida. Eisenhower did best in the peripheral states. Alexander concludes: “The GOP’s southern electorate was not rural, nativist, less educated, afraid of change, or concentrated in the . . . Deep South. It was disproportionately suburban, middle-class, educated, young, non-native southern, and concentrated in the growth points that were the least ‘Southern’ parts of the south.”
Rangel is peddling a libel and Republicans should say so, loudly and often.
Mona Charen is a nationally syndicated columnist and a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. © 2014 Creators Syndicate, Inc.
by Danny Jeffrey
So many times I have seen comments on Facebook referring to the latest dictates from Washington and the person posting the link will make an absurd comment to the effect of "They can't do that! It is unconstitutional!" Well I am here to tell you that they can do it, they are doing it, and the term 'unconstitutional' should be stricken from our language as the very concept is now passe. That word was applicable to our distant past when America was the land of the free, but our people have allowed it to evolve into a land of apathy and those freedoms have, one at a time, slipped away. Now Progressive leaders pay absolutely no attention to such an 'outdated' view of what is right and wrong in America, and we, the apathetic, are beginning to pay for the error of our ways.
I am a Deist, not a Christian, and for those unacquainted with the term I do not believe in prophecy or that prayers are answered by the Creator. To some it may seem odd that I, with my beliefs, should step forward to champion the views of Christians, or perhaps there is none better than a non-Christian to do so. After all, Thomas Jefferson was also a Deist and none more than he spoke so fervently in defense of the freedom of religion.
You see that cross in the image above? That broken piece of I beams was found in the rubble of the World Trade Center and it has come to symbolize not only the horror that took place on that day but strengthened the very belief of many Christians in their creator. Whether that cross was indeed created by divine intervention or simply torn into that shape by the laws of physics is totally irrelevant. What matters is that many of our people, mourning the death of those innocents, found hope in the discovery of a crucifix marking the death site of so very many, and as such that cross has justifiably become sacred.
That cross is also being attacked mercilessly by the militant atheists, liberals, Progressives, and communists of this nation, and their assault does not stop with it, but continue to the very core beliefs of what once made America so unique. I mentioned, atheists, liberals, Progressives, and communists, and their trail of destruction starts on our street corners and in our school rooms and lead right up to the White House and the Supreme Court, and it is there that we find America dying.
This troubles me immensely...
Breitbart ... June 26, 2015
In a crushing defeat for traditionalists, the U.S. Supreme Court has mandated same-sex marriage as a constitutional right from sea to shining sea.
Many years ago a gay 'gentleman' accused me of being homophobic. I simply answered that I was not, that I have no problem at all with what consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms, my only concern being that they do not try to force their views on me or any of our children younger than the age of consent.
Those views still hold true. I could care less what Obama did in the bathhouses of Chicago and how many people he did it with. I also still maintain my outlook that the LGBT crowd should not try to force their way of life on me or any of our minors. They, however, do not share my live and let live views and have embarked on a course of forcing their lifestyles on the rest of us.
Today they did a great victory dance, as indicated by the rainbow flag above, and now to add insult to injury Obama tweets an image of the Rainbow House...
Fortunately there are still a few honest and honorable Americans left in Washington, but admittedly their numbers are dwindling.
Truth Revolt ... June 26, 2015
Scalia's Dissent: This Court Is A 'Threat To American Democracy'
"Today’s decree says that my Ruler, and the Ruler of 320 million Americans coast-to-coast, is a majority of the nine lawyers on the Supreme Court."
Two days of their enlightened guidance has brought this nation and all that we hold sacred to its knees. ObamaCare is now guaranteed to be the law of the land until the nation collapses, and there is nothing that you can do to prevent your children from being educated by the terms of the LGBT community.
Years ago many establishments had a sign visible to all that read 'We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.' Try refusing today as that is one of the many rights stripped away by the ObamaNation.
Truth Revolt ... June 26, 2015
Christian-Owned Business Closing Shop After Refusing Same-Sex Wedding
Another Christian-owned business has fallen prey to the government tyranny. Richard Odgaard and his wife Betty — both Mennonites — must now close their Iowan gift shop and bistro after being charged for discrimination for refusing to host a same-sex wedding at their venue, having to pay a hefty settlement as a result.
"We can't pretend it's going to get better."
Well, at least they are being realistic. This couple is wise enough to realize that no rigged election is going to turn this nation around nor is some political aspirant going to step forth making things right for his followers.
And what of our churches?
Lately I have written several critical articles about those in the upper echelons of our religious establishment and their complicity in the importation of so many Muslims to our shores. These people are the power hungry and the greedy, but I have nothing short of the highest regard for the sincere dedicated pastor in his little neighborhood church. What of him and his beliefs, and his future when two men go to him wanting him to marry them, and he refuses on moral grounds?
And so what is next? Polygamy? The legalizing of incest and pedophilia? What will happen when a man in a long robe seeks the blessings of the pastor as he promises to always love, honor, and cherish his goat? Once that red line of immorality is crossed there is no turning back, and it is anything goes, and it will be every man or goat for himself in the brave new world of the Obamanation.
I look across the pages of history and realize that one of the greatest accomplishments in the vast story of the human race was The Enlightenment. It was there that the separation of church and state occurred and it was then that man began a very rapid upward climb in the ways of civilization.
The Muslims, the Hindus, the Buddhists, and other sects never had an enlightenment and it shows. That is why the Judeo-Christian west has led the way and why all of the world manages to hate us and want to immigrate to our shores at the same time.
Look across the cemeteries of Europe, of Northern Africa, of the islands of the Pacific, and the jungles of southern Asia and behold the multitude of crosses and Stars of David marking the final resting place of those who at one time or the other, have saved the world, and made it a better place for the living.
The ideals and the freedom put forth in the American Constitution is what turned it into the greatest nation this world has ever known. One such freedom was the freedom of religion, and now it has been cancelled, tossed into the dust bin by the elitists who now have control of this dying country, a mournful people, and a Constitution that is being systematically shredded.
Such elitists manage to easily ignore the evil wrought by Islam and call upon us to be tolerant and accept the false premise of moral equivalence. The useful idiots among us do, leaving the rest of us to deal with the nightmare scenario they created voting for Hope and Change and swallowing every lie put forth by the Progressive media.
Today, world wide, Christianity is under severe attack but I feel that the death blow, not only for this nation but Christianity as well, was struck today by the United States Supreme Court. Let there be no doubt that this epidemic of immorality is world wide, as the UK pulls down the Union Jack and are replacing it for a week with the rainbow flag of the LGBT movement.
Breitbart UK ... June 22, 2015
Jihad Watch ... June 19, 2015
Northern Ireland: Pastor who said “Islam is satanic” faces six months in jail
“He said the decision to prosecute him, and not extremist Muslim preachers in Britain, showed that Christians were being ‘persecuted’ by the authorities.” Could it really be possible that Britain’s hate speech laws are being selectively applied, and hateful speech by Muslim clerics ignored? Let’s see:
In that essay Robert Spencer then proceeds to list a very long group of links about Islamic Imams and the terror they spread without legal reproach. The UK and Europe have long been ahead of us in the moral equivalence department. This latest Supreme Court pivot to the left will put us on a more level footing with the apologists and the anti-Christians of Europe.
Yes, not only we, but all of Europe and most assuredly the third world nations face a very bleak future. The following quote is one hundred and fifty years old and bears repeating in these, our times of trouble:
“Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.”
Daniel Webster
Europe has gone to hell and we are in hot pursuit. There is a lady named Dee Fatouros who is a frequent contributor to this blogsite. Recently she wrote an essay entitled America On Life Support Courtesy Of A Corrupted System. I would like to close this essay with a message to my friend.
Dee, in regard to your mention of life support; today they pulled the plug.
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