Using a Quote from Bob Dylan, “YOU DON’T NEED A WEATHERMAN TO KNOW WHICH WAY THE WIND BLOWS” it seems to me that unless some epiphany or a “Come To JESUS Moment “ happens SOON….you best be looking for the Daffy Duck signature statement…THAT’S ALL FOLKS….because this Freight Train is rolling down the pike & seems unstoppable....It seems self-evident  to those who are willing to open up their EYES to the TRUTH….Whatever that is anymore….

When we stopped believing in the merits of Virtue, of Hard Work, of true Knowledge, of self Sacrifice, of Faith we destroyed all of the Fortunes of our Dreams, our Hopes & our Prayers….Then I ask you WHY ARE WE HERE? What is our Reason for Living? Then I ask you this Who Is Your MASTER? Who do you Serve? And to what end? What is the Purpose? WHY, WHY, WHY? What is your answer? I remind you the Road To Hell Is Lined With Good Intentions….

And while all of us have sinned we have made the bed in which we now sleep….As this Government veered further & further from the Truth while DIVING headfirst in to Corruption…..we did NOTHING to DERAIL  the TRAIN WRECK…..

We elected Liars, Losers, Parasites, Extortionists , Joker, Fools, Idiots, Sociopaths & EVIL…time & time & time *time again…to Loot, Pillage,Con, Lie & Murder every good intention this Country was Founded on…Is it that they Committed Murder or Did we have a DEATH WISH & Committed SUICIDE Via GOVERNMENT….

While it is sad, but the AMERICA, flaws & all that I grew up in is DEAD & gasping for Air…..Yet the EVIL LEADERSHIP of this Growing COMMUNIST STATE tell us we are being Legislated into a BIBLICAL, “UTOPIA”…….If you believe that line of CRAP….I’ll sell you some SMART PILLS (GOAT Excrement) to eat that are guaranteed to make you SMARTER …….

We were told all Governments were Corrupt & there was nothing we could do to stop it…We were told this Government was accountable to us the people….We were told we had Freedom of Speech, the Press, to assemble …we were told we were free to choose….We Were Lied To….that is NO-LONGER TRUE….The only real difference between The World’s Greatest FRAUD (BARRY) & HITLER or STALIN is BARRY is a MUSLIM BASTARD & BLACK….He gets a Free Pass because of it too….

Right now we the people are being FEAR-MONGERED to DEATH…..a relentless propaganda campaign sells us on a looming RACE WAR, A looming Financial Crash, A War with Russia, With IRAN ….and yet they have the unmitigated gall to tell the WORLD the REAL PROBLEMS lie within the White Blue-eyed  Conservatives of the world….Who won’t allow Muslims to kill CHRISTIANS, Let HOMO’s   get Married, Boys to become Girls , let Pedophiles have their children as LOVERS…meanwhile pay for every damn FOOD STAMP, Every Illegal’s citizenship & Medical care  & so on & so on this INSANE PATH we go

OK now is HILLERY the answer? Is JEB BUSH the answer? Is this COMMUNIST UTOPIA worth all your years of SACRIFICE we’ve collectively made…..Answer: HELL NO….We are being FATTENED up for SLAUGHTER….We have Cannibalized our own WORLD….I hope you are PROUD of your COWARDICE …You said Nothing, you did nothing & they will KILL all who resist their VIEW of the world…I’d Rather be DEAD….I’m sure they will be happy to comply ….I will see them in HELL

While you were slaving to stay alive, feed the family….you/we lost the WAR…

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