DUMB's: aka Catacombs of Armageddon

DUMB’s: aka Catacombs of Armageddon
These fascist militants have masked and assimilated themselves within the protective covenant and timing of treasonous leadership, awaiting their orders to emerge with an ominous and criminal plot against the American people...

The layers of this onion are entrenched so deeply that the Tears of Truth may buckle mankind to it’s knees.

Everything we have ever been taught in this life time is only but a fraction of what reality consist of… as the world of truths holds many a mind bending enigma.

What lies beneath is now beginning to surface through revelations of the most coveted ancient secrets, once unknown to the common man and beyond this universe. Is high -teck galactic warfare ready to break out within our intelligence and military agencies?

Sources say there are over 200 Deep Underground Military Bases in the United States alone and over 1477 worldwide.

Many governments have contracted with major civil and marine engineering firms to construct massive installations underground and undersea. These bases are found in many countries, including Russia, China, Switzerland, Norway, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Canada, Great Britain and more. The mass and scope of this specialized type of construction would instill enormous power to military and government contracting companies. Think of the control they could demand with tentacles reaching into all departments of every level of security clearances as well as elected officials. To be sure this is a GLOBALIZED PLAN.

The technology to construct manned bases down in the bedrock deep beneath the seafloor in mid-ocean has existed for over half a century now.

Some would regard this knowledge as part of a conspiracy theory concerning the agreement of joint forces during Operation Paperclip when 1,600 to 2,000 Nazi Scientists were granted special government visas to live and work in the United States working on the most secret technology deep within the highest intelligent levels of our government.

Is this all a part of “Armageddon” to befall the people of the world with the network of underground military bases, tunnels,cities (inter-continental) ultra high-speed train, shuttle system and underground roads?

Alice in wonderland would tremble in fear at the thought of falling down this rabbit hole of secret societies and hidden knowledge as these “deep underground military bases” aka D.U.M.B.s are all interconnected throughout the country and the world with an agenda so sinister, even a nightmare is threatened by the shroud of these nefarious catacombs and screeches from their satanic deities.

A compartmentalized Sci fi world filled with alphabet soup groups above the top secret cosmic 38th level of intelligence. Littered with a barrage of military industrial complex corporations, directing a narrative that reads in the name of “national security” while ambushing the financial coffers and very soul of humanity through espionage and treason with alien forces.

The “deep state” manipulates the dimensions of fact into fiction, a charade created by technology for the cost of human life and consciousness. Through this spawned lineage, generations of subhumans and reptilian ring knockers feed off this earthy plane of existence.

Proceed with caution and an open mind through the matrix of complex reality as each layer will reveal itself to you now through the very people and organizations once hidden within our government and the world within, what life and business takes place in these underground catacombs?

These doomsday liars are the spawn of foreign blood lines who through the decades morphed and camouflaged through generational decent.

It has been said that D.U.M.B.s were built to forward the new world order take over, and that the United Nations and NATO were involved with foreign soldiers who would occupy these sublevel dwellings until the order was given to perform snatch and grabs on the American population.

It was witnessed and documented that currently and since the 1990’s, the U.S. Military Professors of American War Colleges and the like are training foreign entities, known as the Ex Russian KGB, “SPETSNAZ” aka Russian Special Forces, training in the United States of America and on our U.S. dollar. It’s speculated these operations are funded by black ops budgets…Is this the reason tax paying citizens are left with trillions of dollars unaccounted for?

The Trump administration has recently ordered an audit with the DOD in search of some missing 21 Trillion dollars.

Americans will now begin to correlate suspicious facts surrounding many out warn Treaties and Orders signed by former administrations. Interesting to note that the Partnerships for Peace Program PFPP, was set up by President Bill Clinton in early 1993, thousands of foreign troops per month flowed into the United States without a wince from the public eye.

These fascist militants have masked and assimilated themselves within the protective covenant and timing of treasonous leadership, awaiting their orders to emerge with an ominous and criminal plot against the American people.

Today, we witness our 45th President of the United States, Donald J Trump, whom was voted in by the majority of “We The People”, as he diligently works to balance the scores of inequity once set in motion against the American people.

Never in American history has there been a President whose every move is scrutinized without just cause by the media (cia) bought and paid for and those communist (spawn of nazi scientist from WWII) in government with obtuse agendas.

The majority of Americans stand with our President, no matter how propagandized the media spins the narrative, for President Trump represents the voices and concerns of the common American, who’s only colors that matter are the red, white and blue of Americana heartbeat.

These bad actors are in need of an exorcism as their world is upside down and reversed and our American way of life and rule of law has been threatened and hijacked by their generational clandestine arrangement.

So what is this sinister plot and is Armageddon targeted for the years 2019-2020?

You will have to discern for yourself after reviewing the sources included and when you do, what will you do with this knowledge?

Their narrative will read that D.U.M.B.s were created to protect the worlds people against nuclear threat.

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” Dwight D. Eisenhower~

For Further Insight:


One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. In God we trust.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy


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