"All Eyes On Las Vegas!!"
"Do Or Die For The DON!!"
"Do Or Die For The DON!!"

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen !
by Joe Esposito
"All Eyes On Las Vegas!!"
"Do Or Die For The DON!!"
"Do Or Die For The DON!!"
Mercifully the third debate is hours away. It cannot come soon enough. The DON has found his footing. This campaign has been debilitating for Donald Trump. It has been extremely rough. With the revelations coming out daily from WikiLeaks and the corruption uncovered by PROJECT VERITAS the DON will have much ammunition. It should be an interesting night in Las Vegas. Hillary has not been seen in days. She is said to be prepping for this debate. Methinks she is trying to sit on her lead. It is a very dangerous strategy. Didn't that dirtbag, Mitt, try it?? And we know what happened. Dastardly Hillary should take heed.
Let me digress for a moment and focus on who will be moderating this debate. There is a strong possibility that Chris Wallace can actually be fair and hold both of the nominees accountable. Previous moderators have been less than stellar. I would say they were in their way unfair to Trump. Yes. They all were very terrible. Chris is the best of a very bad lot but his perpetual smirk can certainly irritate. I'm sure he won't give Hillary a pass. That is my prayer. There are many questions swirling around this pig that she has to and much answer.
There is certainly a mountain of evidence that this election is in the process of being rigged. Trump has been saying this for the longest time and all his enemies have made fun of it. Our country owes James O'Keefe much thanks for exposing this despicable shit. How disgusting it has been to see money being passed to these nefarious groups originating from the DNC. So cleverly it's been done to give them plausible deniability! We will soon be rid of a TYRANT and the last thing we need is a worse one following in his place. Tonight Trump will have an audience of millions and he must make his case.
I hope and pray that Trump can show restraint and focus on the issues that has resonated with the electorate and hold Hillary to account for the breathtaking corruption that is so pervasive and threatens to tear apart the fabric of our society. He must hammer home the despicable collusion that we see between the media and the DNC. If his case can be cogently made he will resonate with the people of this country more than ever. For we haven't seen so much corruption this egregious in our lifetime. It is safe to say NEVER!!!

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