The traitorous cadre of slimy Republicans

It’s not just the George Soros's of the world that are attempting to destroy our beloved republic – just this week it was disclosed that this vile, self-hating, Nazi-collaborating, ultra-leftist Jew is largely behind the financing of Black Lives Matter – but certain so-called conservatives who are out to see that Hillary Clinton and a Democratic Senate and House are elected this November. If this occurs, the Wicked Witch of the Left, along with her comrades, will have free reign to finish the job President Barack Hussein Obama, our socialist Muslim king, has been pursuing for eight years.

The motivation of these traitors: to defeat Donald J. Trump so their money gravy and power train can continue at least until 2020, when they will attempt to run “their candidate,” someone like Sen. Ted Cruz or Gov. John Kasich (or perhaps even a “resurrected” Mitt Romney) against her. In short, these selfish and greedy political hacks would sink the nation into a sea of even more criminality under the Clintons and allow the Wicked Witch and her Soros-like benefactors to pack the Supreme Court with even worse justices than we now are forced to endure.
Who are these disloyal conservatives among our ranks? Sean Hannity, who is one of the few conservative commentators to call it like it is, calls them “Republican crybabies,” their having previously lost in their bid to defeat Trump in the primaries. While Sean is being diplomatic about this, I cannot be. This disgusting display of treason cannot be overlooked, even if I am not endorsing any candidate, as head of Freedom Watch.
At the top of this traitorous cadre of slimy self-serving Republicans are the likes of Cruz and Kasich. Cruz, the man who lacks even the ability to give a speech where he does not sound like a less eloquent pontificating dictatorial version of Mussolini before a panel of appellate court judges, cheaply attempted to deep six Trump at the Republican National Convention. Cruz’s performance was so bad that if he did not have low class, he would have had no class at all. And, of course, Kasich, regrettably the present governor of that failure of a state Ohio and a native son of that crumbling and polluted mistake of a city on Lake Erie, petulantly and childishly refused even to show up for one of the few positive events (save for Lebron and the Cavaliers) in modern history ever take place in Cleveland. Add the former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and a host of other moribund politicians to the list, plus the 50 Republican so-called national security experts who signed a letter dissing Trump, and you have a wave of cretins who put their own personal interests ahead of our nation’s future well-being and continued existence.
But the coterie of traitors does not stop there. This week, even the speechwriter at the Republican National Convention for my client Pat Smith, that brave mother of Sean Smith, one of the Benghazi victims of Hillary Clinton’s criminal misuse of her private email server, defected to the Wicked Witch. He now says that he may vote for Ms. Hillary, perhaps even having been paid off or threatened by her henchmen “Clinton-style.” For the record, Pat Smith is incensed that she, along with The Donald, would be manipulated and sold out by this fool. Rather than supporting Hillary Clinton, Smith would not only like to see her found “guilty” of the wrongful death of her son, but also thrown in prison where she belongs. (See “Benghazi victims’ parents sue Hillary Clinton.”)
On top of all of this comes certain persons in the conservative media. The most notable is a high-pitched, devilish-looking elf known as Ben Shapiro, a young punk who thinks and acts as if he is smarter than he is. Just this week, this self-appointed, Cruz-backing hack of the minor leagues of conservative commentators viciously ripped Trump and Steven Bannon, the new campaign chairman of the Trump campaign and CEO of Breitbart news, ironically where “Little Ben” first got his start. Little Ben, not coincidentally a “confused” Harvard educated lawyer like Cruz, showed such venomous low class in his column as to want to make any lucid reader throw up. It should come as no surprise that this childish clown, years earlier, was the ghostwriter for a book, “Corruption Chronicles,” misleadingly attributed as having been penned by Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch, the pubic interest group I founded and successfully ran for a decade. To line his own pockets, Little Ben, undoubtedly at Fitton’s direction, removed any mention of me from Judicial Watch’s biographical history. This subterfuge was not only incredible but also dishonest, since Fitton is not a lawyer and thus played only a secondary paralegal role in the first 10 years of the group’s legal successes, primarily against the corrupt Clintons!
This “outing” of just some of the present traitors in the so-called conservative movement is only the tip of the political iceberg. But like the Titanic, which hit an iceberg and sank, their efforts to turn the nation over to Hillary Clinton and the ultra-left are likely to be successful. When this happens the people will again be faced with a hard choice, as we did in 1776. Roll over to a despot “queen” and her court of lying, criminal slimeballs like George Soros and all those who have bribed her over the years and now want to be paid back in spades, or revolt. I, for one, chose the latter!
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