Undeniable Faith


By: John Stonestreet
Crisis Magazine

Today on BreakPoint, we honor the extraordinary faith of Christians who are staring death in the face and remaining true to Christ.
It seems like every day brings word of another atrocity against Christians in the Middle East: inhumanities many of us could never even imagine.

Burnings, beheadings, crucifixions—this kind of brutality sounds like it belongs in Domitian’s Rome, not the year 2015. And as we said recently on BreakPoint, the sooner our leaders act against it, the better.

But in the meantime, I hope you’ll join me in ceaseless prayer, because make no mistake: there’s a deeper fight going on here than the one between Islamic extremists and Middle-Eastern governments. As Paul said in the midst of another persecution, it’s a spiritual battle against “the powers and principalities of this present darkness.” And just like in Paul’s day, we are seeing today some incredible examples of Christians fighting that spiritual battle and winning.

continue reading at http://www.breakpoint.org

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