No Longer Slave to Sin

Before you came to Christ you were a slave,
So hopelessly involved in sin and shame,
A victim to desire that bodies crave;
The passions of the flesh are all the same.
And then convicted by the Holy Ghost,
You fell before the cross as Spirit slain,
Declaring Christ your Lord, the final host
You rose a son of God no sin to stain.
Your flesh was crucified: the lust, the thirst,
No longer slave to sin and all its ways,
You now have conscious choice as Spirit nursed
To fall to such temptations and malaise.
Call out to Jesus when seduced by sin;
Have faith in Christ and love will always win.
And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh
with the affections and lusts.

Galatians 5:24 KJV

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