"A Conservative Speaks!!"

I am a Goldwater Conservative and was part of the fight in '64
The orthodoxy of Liberalism I've always despised. It's rotten to the core
I'm passionate about my politics. Call me a Constitutionalist Conservative
My love for America is deep. There is no where better on earth to live

You might say the love I have for my country I wear constantly on my sleeve
It's the Constitution that I love and in all its principles I deeply believe
You can't argue with a Liberal. They resort to name calling if you're Conservative
They are Statists and believe under total government control we should live

When you are a voice from the RIGHT you must always be aware
your belief system and adherence to the Law gives the LEFT a scare
They are relentless in their pursuit to have every one fall in line
Government agencies are at their disposal. Their acts are far from benign 

From the shelves books of conservative thought are seen being taken away
They fear opposing points of view. The mindset can be only one way
America is morphing into a country where opposition is not tolerated
In time we will  look nothing like the country the Founding Fathers created

These are troubled times. Our beloved America is under tremendous assault
It has been orchestrated by a man who never misses a chance to pass fault
Last week we spoke with one voice and through our vote said ENOUGH!!
But it doesn't seem to matter. This tyrant and his minions want to play rough

In a week or so our Constitution will be assaulted by this despot once more
He will issue amnesty by Executive fiat. Yet again he will disregard the law
My fellow Conservative, we must not let this happen. I know you agree
We live under something worse than Liberalism. This is unabashed TYRANNY!!

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