People bring up very good points when they ask about what we will do about this or that and offer their frustrations at our apparent yacking without doing. There is in my mind a place for both. I appreciate when folks share their thoughts and enjoy the dialogue that comes when folks are pleased with the sentiments expressed or even when they disagree.

 In each instance we can join together with some either in agreement or in a questioning of what has been posited. But ultimately something must be done when issues like the repression of freedom and liberty or the breaking of the rule of law or the dishonoring of the Constitution is an action taken by an increasingly unresponsive ruling class. Petitioning our government for redress and correction is our right. If they will not listen, it is our founders who saw the duty that they acted on in rebellion against the order of the day, not just talk, collective action to rid the land of the oppressor.

Mr. Obama, whom I affectionately call Bathhouse Barry in recognition of his days as a male prostitute, and his minions want to turn the Republic into a marxist stronghold where the new elite will rule. Through deception and outright lies they convinced the nation and its natural bent towards goodness that it was the overall good that they sought. We see from their actions and lawlessness that they lied.

Soon it will be up to us to decide if "the cup of their iniquity is full" and what we should do about it. Before we reach that stage I would suggest that we copy another series of actions set in example by the Founding Fathers. That we seek the counsel of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose promises we have relied on and whose blessings we have been recipients of. 

Perhaps some acknowledgement of our short comings, in some cases sins, should be forthcoming. In our repentance we may find that the promise of God will return to us and that our land will be healed. We know right well that this is another promise of His which is dependent on us turning from our wicked ways individually and as a nation. May the Holy Spirit fill us and empower us to do just that.

Dr. Jim Garrow 

Dr. Jim Garrow is the Christian founder and executive director of The Bethune Institute, a charitable organization dedicated to advance education in China via teaching English, giving free books to poor Chinese, and medical scholarships. Through its branch organization, The Pink Pagoda, the institute also rescues baby girls from infanticide in China, and finds homes for the unwanted girls. Dr. Garrow is credited for saving the lives of over 50,000 Chinese girls for which he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Last year, Garrow told the world (via Alex Jones’ radio, Glenn Beck, and other conservative media) that Obama’s U.S. military was purging top brass using a “litmus test” of sorts. High-ranking military officials were being asked “Would you fire on an American citizen?”. Garrow claimed that if one answered no, you would be fired. A week after his whistle-blowing, on the Oct. 6 Now the End Begins Internet radio program, Garrow claimed that he had been a covert CIA agent but was fired by none other than Obama himself because of his disclosure.
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