Wake up America!

Why do we feel that conspiracy theorists are so crazy? Why is that when evidence is right in front of you, you still can't see the truth? Why are we allowing each other to breed hate and destruction?

I did not fight in Iraq for these things. I thought what I was doing was just and right but I was lied to. Do you know what the real war is? Getting Americans to wake up and to take our country back!

Why is it that police officers are no longer peace keepers but law enforcement personnel that work for courts and magistrates to fund them?

If you are ignorant enough to believe that our government would never lie to us, would never deceive us, would never commit illegal acts in front of our faces, would never take away our constitutional rights, and commit murder for money and profit, then you are blind.

It is not in our human nature to be unloving and hateful towards others, to live in seclusion, to judge our brothers and sisters base upon superficial crap! Watch this video and just question as to why we live the way we do. Open your mind. Let your walls down and open your heart to allow yourself to feel. (Disregard the Matrix part at the end)

It is our duty as humans to help our fellow race out. To spread the word that we do not want to live this way anymore. I am tired of being tired. I am tired of being told that money is the only way to live.

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