Two events have ripped the mask off this administration:
1. "On August 6, 2011, insurgents shot down a CH-47 Chinook helicopter with the call sign of Extortion 17 over the Tangi Valley of the Wardak Province in Afghanistan. None of the 38 personnel onboard survived, including some 15+ members of the Navy SEALs, most of them from Team Six, a team whose identity was leaked after the Osama Bin Laden raid. A recently declassified report has provided some information regarding the specifics of the crash, but has not answered all of the questions. It is increasingly apparent that Congressional hearings will be necessary to uncover the entire story."
Read More Here
2. On September 11, 2012 four Americans were savagely murdered in Benghazi Libya .
This is but one of many links regarding that travesty link
There has been an underlying suspicion from the beginning that these events were meant to unfold exactly as they did. One obvious question was why did Biden shoot off his mouth about who killed bin Laden? It has always been understood that Seal Team Six "Does Not Exist". The immediate answer is that it was to blow Barky's (Obama's) horn.
I and many others believe that the motive was far more sinister. It certainly appears as though one of Barky goals has been to weaken the military. Back in January of 2012, Alan Caruba wrote an excellent article on this subject as have many others since then.
From Alan, "President Obama’s claim that “the tide of war is receding” is likely to rank with British PM Neville Chamberlains claim of “peace in our time” after a visit with Hitler. It is wishful thinking or worse. It is the deliberate effort to ignore the dangers in the world. Shifting military personnel and assets to Asia acknowledges China’s rising power, but U.S. military leaders have warned against a war in Asia for decades. It is doubtful the Chinese want one.
What is not in doubt is that this is the wrong time to reduce our military strength and capabilities. We did that after World War One and paid a price for it. President Obama’s policies put us in the same peril." Read the entire post here
On the surface, Barky appears to be naive, in reality, many feel he is anti-American. What better way to weaken America than to slash the budget, sack generals who don't agree with you, and eliminate an elite fighting force--not to mention the "rules of engagement" in Afghanistan that effectively neuter our fighting force.
As for Benghazi, it is glaringly obvious that calls for help were ignored prior to and during the attack. The excuses border on the demented.
A horrendous account of the deaths of the four Americans can be seen here . It is sickening.
It certainly appears that both of these events were allowed to happen either out of sheer incompetence, or pure treachery. If nothing else, we owe it to all of these needlessly dead Americans to keep hammering away for the truth!!
August 6, 2011, insurgents shot down a CH-47 Chinook helicopter with
the call sign of Extortion 17 over the Tangi Valley of the Wardak
Province in Afghanistan. None of the 38 personnel onboard survived,
including some 15+ members of the Navy SEALs, most of them from Team
Six, a team whose identity was leaked after the Osama Bin Laden raid. A
recently declassified report
has provided some information regarding the specifics of the crash, but
has not answered all of the questions. It is increasingly apparent
that Congressional hearings will be necessary to uncover the entire
story. - See more at:
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