Report: Justice Department targeted TWO Fox News Channel reporters and a producer for talking with government sources

Inspector General report found agents read emails, tracked phone records Reporters James Rosen and William La Jeunesse, producer Mike Levine were the subject of subpoenas but never notified by the government Fox News says U.S. journalism 'up until now has always been a free press' An FBI agent swore out an affidavit claiming that Rosen had broken the law, 'at the very least, either as an aider, abetter and/or co-conspirator' New allegations add fuel to the fire started with a DOJ investigation into the Associated Press

The Fox News Channel is outraged over new revelations that three of its reporting staffers were targeted by the U.S. Department of Justice in criminal investigations related to their attempts to obtain information from government sources.
James Rosen, the network's chief Washington correspondent, has become a First Amendment cause celebre over his treatment by the Obama administration. But the DOJ, Fox says, also investigated the Emmy Award-winning investigative reporter William La Jeunesse and Fox News producer Mike Levine.
Rosen, according to affidavits filed by FBI agents, was considered a possible criminal co-conspirator.

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