A new day is dawning for the Tea Party

“Some erroneously thought the Tea Party was in hibernation mode; in actuality we were building our ranks. The Tea Party is larger, stronger and better funded than ever before and now we have years of experience under our belts.” Steve Eichler CEO Tea Party/TeaParty.org

The Tea Party will not be intimidated by the Chicago style strong-arm tactics of the IRS. The Internal Revenue Service will not silence the Tea Party or purge the conservative message from the marketplace of ideas.
Rush Limbaugh mentioned on his radio show “I bet this is going to be huge…. it’s entirely possible that people are going to see once again just how big and how deep the Tea Party is”.

Tea Party Flash Rallies will commence. Planned rallies are being called with less than 24 hour notice at IRS offices across America, not only in the next few days but continuing throughout a long hot summer of protest thereby pushing the envelope well into next year. These flash rallies will be peaceful and law-abiding, but will send a clear message to the Internal Revenue Service, Congress and the White House of “Don’t Tread On Me”
“It has been quite obvious the Internal Revenue Service is not only out of control but has been deprived of moral compass by the vacuum of leadership at the top”. Steve Eichler CEO - Tea Party/TeaParty.org

The Obama regime has been setting the pace for political strong-arm thuggery and it is now trickling down into the operations of many branches of the government, from the Department of Justice arming Mexican drug Lords, abandoning of helpless Americans and Benghazi by State Department and now they viewpoint discrimination by the Internal Revenue Service.
The IRS targeted conservative organizations seeking nonprofit, tax-exempt status and became hostile in their actions against mom-and-pop fledgling organizations.
A new day is dawning for the Tea Party.

“Some erroneously thought the Tea Party was in hibernation mode; in actuality we were building our ranks. The Tea Party is larger, stronger and better funded than ever before and now we have years of experience under our belts.” Steve Eichler CEO Tea Party/TeaParty.org 
With the infusion of new techniques and new technology of many tea parties across America has been amplified and therefore our strength is not just in the numbers, but in know-how as well.

It is been reported several tea parties have been crushed under the weight of paper demands by the Internal Revenue Service, one such example is a small Tea Party which could not fulfill the request made by the IRS auditing agent by producing an equivalent of 50,000 pages of documentation. That small little Tea Party unable to raise even miniscule amount of funds was saddled with this colossal demand.
It is about time to audit the Internal Revenue Service, not just on financial accountability, but also a strong review of their inside techniques and mode of operation.
It appears that finally an organization with more strength, more character, better funded and larger in number has finally come to the surface to battle this fire breathing dragon called the IRS what is it? The Tea Party!

See you in a Tea Party flash rally.

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