Attacks on Christianity are Designed to Silence Christians and Keep them Home on Election Day

Rush Limbaugh said that the attack on a business like Chick-fil-A is tactical. It’s “a direct assault on Christianity — a direct assault on Christians — with economic punishment thrown in, including threats from government officials that are in direct violation of the Constitution.”From its earliest days, Christianity has been attacked because Christians viewed the State as a “minister of God” (Rom 13:4) and not a god. In some circumstances they “must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29), including Caesar. Dictatorial governments that believe they are god don’t like competition. That’s why in the French and Russian revolutions, God was persona non grata. The same was true in North Korea, Cuba, and Communist China.It’s been said that “we owe the moral force which won our Independence” on the puritan pulpit.[1]
The annual Election Sermon bears witness that our founders “began their civil year and its responsibilities with an appeal to Heaven, and recognized Christian morality as the only basis of good laws.” In addition, the clergy were often consulted by the civil authorities in the colonies, “and not infrequently the suggestions from the pulpit, on election days and other special occasions, were enacted into laws. The statute-book, the reflex of the age, shows this influence. The State was developed out of the Church.”


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