Cuccinelli: Welfare Is Not “Insurance”

Virginia’s principled conservative Attorney General Ken Cuccinilli made an interesting point in a recent edition of his campaign newsletter, “The Cuccinelli Compass.”

President Obama has touted Obamacare as providing health “insurance” to some 34 million uninsured Americans. In truth, 16 million of those uninsured would be covered by expanding Medicaid, which does not “insure” them, but rather adds them to the welfare rolls.

Cuccinelli went on to note that ObamaCare is heavily reliant on this Medicaid expansion to achieve its purposes, and, “Given that at least a half dozen Governors have already said their states won't participate, it's clear that this part of ObamaCare is not even going to achieve the goals of its proponents.”

Attorney General Cuccinelli went on to point out that, “As of November, 2010, Virginia had approximately 850,000 Virginians receiving Medicaid. That's about 10% of all Virginians.”

Under the proposed expansion of Medicaid through Obamacare, Medicaid dependency in Virginia would be increased by as much as 40 percent by adding between 270,000 and 420,000 new recipients to the Commonwealth’s Medicaid rolls.

In dollars and cents, Cuccinelli notes that, “Medicaid has exploded within the Virginia budget -- from about 5% to nearly 20% today.” The Obamacare expansion would beggar other state priorities, such as transportation, because after 2016 the state would be “spending several hundred million more dollars every single year” on paying for the Obamacare Medicaid expansion.

Virginia’s principled small government constitutional conservative Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli was the first in the nation to fight Obamacare and its odious mandate.

Now he is at the forefront of the fight to make sure that the financial impact of this disaster does not destroy Virginia’s already tight budget -- or force a state tax increase.

As Cuccinelli pointed out, the Obama administration is using a lot of bait to try to coax the states into joining the vast expansion of welfare known as Obamacare. However, there is one state that won’t be taking the bait, and the job destroying taxes that will go with it, and that’s Virginia -- at least if Ken Cuccinelli is Governor.


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