Another Democratic Party Ruse

By Janet Varney
The 40-Year-Old Virgin was born on March 17, 1979, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the USA as Stephanie Gregory Clifford.
Stephanie Gregory Clifford, professionally known as Stormy Daniels, Stormy Waters, or simply Stormy, is an American pornographic actress, stripper, screenwriter, and director. She is a member of the NightMoves, AVN and XRCO Halls of Fame. In 2009, a recruitment effort led her to consider challenging incumbent David Vitter for the 2010 Senate election in her native Louisiana.
Was Anderson Cooper vying for a Jerry Springer job? His raunchy attempt at an interview gone wrong was pathetic. It appeared as though he was immensely enjoying himself as if he were in an X-rated porn movie grouping for the next scene. A bit creepy indeed!
By having the dress she ALLEGEDLY wore on the night she says she had sex with future-President Donald Trump dragged into the ‘Donny & Me’ scandal, Porn Queen Stormy Daniels may unwittingly be doing more harm to former President Bill Clinton than to America’s 45th.
Bill Clinton skated on into Lib-Left forgiveness for the seedy Monica Lewinsky Blue Dress scandal. Trump affair accuser Stormy Daniels warranted major publicity with 20 million viewers watching her interview on Sunday’s ’60 Minutes’ segment.
It was Monica Lewinsky’s infamous blue dress that finally did lying Bill Clinton in. Is Stormy Daniel’s ‘Impeach-Trump Dress’ like her impossible-to-prove affair with the president, a destined-to-fail, no-evidence knock-off?
…”It turned out that woman Miss Lewinsky had saved a blue dress that contained a semen stain and never washed it. Resulting DNA tests proved it came from Mr. Clinton, and only then did he admit that “Indeed I did have a relationship with Miss Lewinsky that was not appropriate.”
Gargantuan ’60 Minutes’ limelight notwithstanding, how can you prove a one-night stand without DNA backup?
“The Daniels team has dropped several broad hints in recent days that they have hard proof that she is being truthful and Mr. Trump is lying about whether an affair took place. For example, attorney Michael Avenatti tweeted a photo of a compact disc repeating the cliche about a picture being worth a thousand words.
“The existence of a dress became a key turning point in the Monica Lewinsky scandal in 1998. The first claims of an affair prompted absolute denials from President Bill Clinton, including the iconic moment in which we wagged his finger and said: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”
Although it is highly unlikely he would ever make them, all of Trump’s Clinton-like finger wagging denials: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman Stormy Daniels” would be patently ignored by both the Fake News-producing MSM and social media.
Just as many pictures of Trump that appear in the media are British Daily Mail ones that come with far-fetched stories “worth a thousand words”.
Endless photos of Melania Trump supposedly ‘hiding’ her hands in her coat pockets, holding the rail climbing up or down the steps to Airforce One, instead of holding her husband’s hand, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Interestingly, it wasn’t Stormy Daniels or her lawyer who raised the dress flag during the ’60 minutes’ interview, it was one of her porn industry colleagues the day after.
A colleague who calls the porn industry the “adult-film star” one:
“A friend of Stormy Daniels said Monday that the adult-film star has the dress she wore on the night she says she had sex with future-President Donald Trump.
“Alana Evans, also an adult-film actress, told CNN in an interview that she doesn’t know whether this dress has proof of sexual intercourse on it.
“All I know is that Stormy still has the dress that she wore from that night,” Ms. Evans said.
“Maybe a keepsake, maybe it’s because it’s actual proof,” she added. “I can only speculate the things that may be on that dress, especially if it’s never been washed.”
Speculating the things that may be on that dress—especially if it’s never been washed—leaves lots of room for other imaginings and downright nagging suspicions.
Suspicions like the one that asks how is it that Stormy Daniels would say Trump told her “she reminded him of his daughter” when the most salacious charge from the Big Women’s March was that he lusts over his own daughter.
In a 12-year-old ALLEGED affair with Trump, Daniels seems to have had her own crystal ball.
Did Stormy Daniels, whose affairs could have been legion, keep all the dresses she wore on the night she had sex with men in the hope that she could cash in should any of them go on to a future of political fame?
Meanwhile, Gossip Grand Central, run by the MSM and social media are losing ground.
CNN’s latest poll indicates that ‘Trump Gets Highest Approval in Nearly a Year’:
“It may have been a bitter pill to swallow, but CNN shared its latest poll on President Trump. It seems that the president now has the highest approval rating in 11 months. He is now at a 42 percent approval, up 7 points from February.”
And folks can bet that because the poll comes from CNN, it was even higher than that.
Then there’s how female supporters told @RandiKayeCNN that they aren’t bothered by Stormy Daniel’s allegations: “You are looking for a way to impeach my president.”
The sun seems to have gone down on Stormy Daniels Day in the Media Sun.
Do the 20 million ’60 Minute’ viewers who tuned in on Sunday night, or the millions of readers who read about it for two days running on the Drudge Report, want to see something more proof-worthy and substantial about Daniels ALLEGED affair with Trump?
If Stormy Daniels cannot show them any more proof than a never-washed 12-year-old dress with no DNA backup, she should move to the back of the ever-burgeoning ‘MeToo Donald Trump line’ and remain there.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

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