FBI: Rumors About Clinton Pedophile Ring Are True

FBI and NYPD insiders confirm that rumors around a Clinton pedophile ring are true

FBI: Rumors About Clinton Pedophile Ring Are True

Multiple sources within the FBI and NYPD have confirmed Hillary Clinton’s involvement in a massive pedophile ring in Washington DC. 

According to experts on Reddit, insiders have recently confirmed rumors that a child sex scandal involving the Clinton’s and their cronies are true and about to become public knowledge.

Reddit.com reports:

It seems that things are about to heat up. We are told that of the 662,871 emails lifted from Anthony Weiner’s computer, 11,112 emails are Huma Abedin’s… and pay to play – including Saudis and Israelis. Meaning Huma was the one Hillary used to communicate with foreign leaders via email for inside information and deals via Huma’s computer.

It has been established through many avenues, but mainly through Wikileaks, that the Clinton Foundation was just a farce set up in order to perform pay-to-play games with multiple entities, including foreign nations. Pay-to-play nations include Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, Kazakhstan, and the Ukraine.

Furthermore, we are told by one of our insiders that one email unequivocally confirms ISIS was created by CIA and Israeli Secret Intelligence Service, with help from Joe Lieberman, John McCain, and Lindsey Graham!

An NYPD insider said the content they viewed did include State Department Top Secret emails. One file was called “Life Insurance”. A second file was titled “DNC Nuclear Arsenal“.

A third file I’m sure Hillary definitely does not want released was a file labeled “Intimate”… according to this NYPD insider, this file contained X-rated photos of Huma and Hillary with a teenager.

NYPD detectives were sickened by what they saw, according to our insider, and they had threatened FBI field agents that they would leak this information if the FBI did not “step up and take off the kid gloves”. At that point, 13 of the FBI agents in NYC were also threatening to leak the information.

As you can imagine, the scandal has the entire Obama Administration in full panic. We are told there are emails that could send Loretta Lynch to prison, as well as Bill and Hillary.

The following information comes straight from an FBI Anonymous source, who is the senior analyst who posted on 4chan in early July of this year:

Jim Comey learned that some of his own investigators were tipping off both Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton, thus making his job impossible.

Comey sent a letter to Congress, knowing that ultimately it would expose Loretta Lynch as a dirty actor and the breadcrumbs would lead directly to Obama. The State Department is terrified now. Comey has assembled a small team of 40 agents, whom he has declared “The Untouchables” after the famous federal agent Eliot Ness.

Comey has clamped down on all FBI agents and he expects a full-scale war between the FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ), the White House, and the State Department. He has confirmed and understands that many sitting senators, congressmen, lobbyists, and power players are going to be indicted and prosecuted. One of the main targets of the probe is the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative. Among the targets under investigation are John Podesta, Huma, Cheryl Mills, CNN, ABC, NBC, etc.

As it turns out, Weiner, Huma’s husband, had been forwarding Huma’s emails each time she came home and left her computer open. Huma appears to have been in touch with Saudi actors, and therefore, espionage is strongly suspected.

Comey and his 40 “Untouchables” are now preparing to take down the largest corruption ever witnessed in American history… which is what I think must happen if Comey is planning to stay part of the FBI. He lost so much respect and so much credibility with the first Hillary investigation, it would take something of this magnitude to allow him to face the public again.

The Pentagon has internal players and outside players, they call “creatives“. Creatives are civilians who tend to be geniuses, malcontents, extreme hackers, or otherwise, demonstrate brilliance in other useful areas. A Pentagon program called Cicada 3301, which we have reported on previously, was created by several of these talented civilians. The program is now used to allow thousands of honest government people to report on their corrupt superiors, using what is called a dead box whistleblower encryption method so the non-corrupted government officials can report corruption and still remain safe.

The Truth About The Clinton Pedophile Ring Exposed

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