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READ HOW WELL OBAMA STIMULATED THE ECONOMY IN HIS FIRST YEAR!! He got most of the money back through secret kick back schemes while Hillary was peddling her Pay for Play Scheme

Here is a detailed account!
Where did the stimulus money go?
Remember when Obama got his trillion-odd dollars of “stimulus money” which he and the Democrats breathlessly said we needed for “shovel ready” jobs to re-build roads and infrastructure? Please e-mail me if anything of the sort got built in your town. Nothing got built in the cities where I spend time.

Roads are bad in Atlanta. I recently drove though Buckhead with its bone-jarring potholes. Folks have to have SUVs there to survive the roads, some with potholes so big that you can bass fish in them after a good rain.
When the stimulus bill (or as lobbyists for graft-grabbing special interests called it, “The Show”) was proposed, it was made to sound urgent. Politicians said it would bring “rigor” to the economy. It turns out it also brought mortis.
So where did all that sweet stimulus money go? Of the money spent in swing state Wisconsin, 80 percent went to public sector unions – those with already locked-in jobs. In fact, right-to-work states got $266 less per person in stimulus money than heavily unionized states. Where Democrats had a vast majority of representatives, their states got $460 per person more.
When Obama signed the stimulus bill in 2009, he promised it would provide “help for those hardest hit by our economic crisis.” Clearly, it did not. The states hurt the most, the ones with more foreclosures, unemployment and bankruptcy, got less money than richer states closer to power. Washington, D.C. got the most stimulus money: $7,602 per capita.

The stimulus was a huge political slush fund with little accountability. Obama credits the passage of his stimulus bill to people having no idea how Democrats were going to spend the money.
Obama, Pelosi and Reid still maintain that doling out all the stimulus money saved jobs. It did – theirs. As recently as the State of the Union speech, they actually begged for more stimulus money – $155 billion more. That is like burning down the hotel you got to stay in for free, then disputing your mini-bar charge.
In the same State of the Union speech Obama said that spending would not cost tax payers a dime. As is tradition, Bernie Madoff was absent from the floor of Congress during Obama’s speech to ensure continuity of government, should anything like an attack occur.

Rich Democrat donors also got payback. The farcical “green” energy company Solyndra defaulted on more than half a billion dollars of our money, while Obama mega-donor George Kaiser finagled his interest ahead of ours. Other beneficiaries of Obama’s largesse for dubious deals include Larry Page and Sergey Brin (if you Google them you will find they founded Google) for Tesla Motors, NRG Solar owners Warren Buffet and Steve Cohen, and Siga Tech owner Ronald Pearlman. All told, more than 75 percent of stimulus grants and money for such “businesses” found their way to big Obama supporters.

Even creepy crony capitalist of the century Al Gore got his snout in the trough. His investment in Fisker Automotive scored a $528 million loan guarantee. Can you imagine the risks you could take if you were given $528 million that you were not personally on the hook for? Of course all these businesses are tanking or have tanked already.
Al Gore said the stimulus plan worked. He also thinks his Weight Watchers plan is working.
We are almost $21 trillion in debt
In the Senate’s disingenuous budget (its first in four years), most of what is called “savings” comes from the winding down of wars which Bush laid out before he left office. On the bright side, we won’t have to invade Afghanistan for a while. I think Russia’s turn is next.

For all their self-aggrandizing rhetoric about “helping the needy” with stimulus money, the reality is that Democrats simply helped themselves. This was only a surprise if you were not paying attention. The next time Democrats give a speech about “shovel ready jobs,” get your shovel ready. It will get deep. More details click here http://media.hoover.org/sites/defau...

Barack Obama admitted, "shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected." While the law failed to create jobs as promised, it has provided plenty of examples of waste, fraud, and abuse.
Five years and at least $816.3 billion later, here are 10 ways the government wasted taxpayer money.
10) $1.3 Million for Stimulus Highway Signs
$1.3 million was spent for signs on highways to advertise that infrastructure spending was paid for by the stimulus.
A spokesperson from the Ohio Department of Transportation said taxpayers want to know "where their stimulus dollars went," after spending $1 million on the signs. Pennsylvania ($140,000), New York ($100,000), and Colorado ($55,000) also spent money on the road signs brought to you by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

9) $152K to Get Lesbians Ready for ‘Adoptive Parenthood'
The law spent $152,000 on a study by Clark University, in Worcester, Mass., designed to stimulate adoption by lesbians. Trustees at the university interviewed 50 lesbian couples to "investigate the unique strengths and potential challenges of lesbian couples" as parents.
8) $600,000 to Plant Trees in Wealthy Neighborhoods
Government workers went door-to-door in the wealthiest neighborhoods in Denver giving away trees as part of a $600,000 stimulus project.

Costing $150 each, government workers justified the trees as potentially saving energy costs by providing shade. The program suggested the government funds would jump-start the economy by creating jobs for those who planted the trees.

7) $384,949 Study of Duck Penises
A $384,949 grant was given to Yale University for a study entitled, "Sexual Conflict, Social Behavior, and the Evolution of Waterfowl Genitalia."
A National Science Foundation spokesperson defended the study, saying, "Government funded grants for research have assisted in creating the barcode and Google."
6) $1.2 Million Study of Erectile Dysfunction in Overweight Men
$1.2 million in stimulus funds went to study impotence in overweight men. The University of California-San Francisco used the funding to conduct 200 video interviews, at a cost of $6,000 each.
5) $100,000 Anti-Capitalist Puppet Shows
"In The Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre," a Che Guevara-inspired puppet theater in Minnesota, received $100,000 in stimulus money, according to a report by Sen. Tom Coburn (R., Okla.). The funds included $25,000 to help preserve one job, and $25,000 to produce "socially-conscious puppet shows."

4) $389,357 for College Students to Keep a Diary of Their Marijuana and Malt Liquor Use
Coburn’s report also found that researchers at the State University of New York at Buffalo were given $389,357 to pay young people to record their daily malt liquor drinking and marijuana use.
Buffalo-area residents were paid $45 each to record their daily smoking usage through an automated phone hotline.

3) $3.4 Million Turtle Tunnel
A $3.4 million underground turtle tunnel providing "eco-passage" in Florida also had its origins in the stimulus package. The funding was given to Dr. Matt Aresco, who had been on a "10-year mission to help the turtles cross the road."

2) $8,408 Study to See if Mice Get Drunk
Florida Atlantic University received $8,408 in stimulus funding to see if mice get drunk after consuming alcohol. The researchers surmised that since "humans who consume alcohol have trouble with ‘navigation, memory, and attention,’" maybe mice would too.

1) $535 Million on Solyndra

Just two years after receiving $535 million from the stimulus, Solyndra filed for bankruptcy. The company was the first to receive a federal loan guarantee from the stimulus. Solyndra’s

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