What's on my mind? 11/27/17 - "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

What's on my mind?
 "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

by Elaine Connor

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"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."  Eleanor Roosevelt.

from Eleanor Roosevelt

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
LIBS, Snowflakes, Brainwashed Millennials:

When people live in FEAR and ENVY, they have, in essence, given up on their own dreams. They operate in a state of victimhood and tear others down to justify their existence. The classic bully comes from a sense of low self esteem and victimhood. Every ADULT has to compete with themselves and GROW UP to live life on life's terms and NOT BLAME or tear down OTHERS. The libs and snowflakes are bullies. Many millennials have been brainwashed by the Progressives to feel that they cannot succeed in life on life's terms. They have learned to blame others instead of competing with themselves and using self discipline. The destruction of our educational system by the Progressives, combined with fake news and media propaganda, has added fuel to the flame of the Millennial's LOW SELF ESTEEM and inability to compete. Our younger generation has been robbed and gaslit. No wonder they are angry. Their anger is misdirected. It is our job to educate them as to how they can rehabilitate their lives.


The same people who criticize all things Ivanka etc, pick onA DARN PIE that your amazing daughter baked. When people are desperate, they use their Victim status to project ill will onto others who are living productive and REAL lives. I hope Mike Huckabee gets this message. Your daughter SARAH is a blessing for our Country. GOD BLESS YOU ALL. Sarah is one amazing presence at those pressers. The tactic of projection is that old Alinsky standby. Everything they throw at the Conservatives, is exactly what it is that THEY , in fact, are. They FAKE optics and information. They live inauthentic lives full of FEAR and ENVY. i remember in psych l0l learning that HATE is from FEAR and ENVY. These perennial VICTIMS cannot make life work for them on life's terms so they choose to BLAME OTHERS and criticize others in their Victimhood. Larry Elder says it very well when he calls them Victocrats. The libs are Victocrats. Sarah does the best job in not hooking into their Projection and misdirection. Sarah's ability to keep her eye on the ball and not let them take her off on a tangent is a great and powerful posture. KUDOS TO SARAH. We conservatives have to get tougher with these Victocrat bullies, all the while throwing love at them, to convey that they too can make life work on life's terms. They just have to compete with themselves and TRY. Life is not a game of bullying that criticizing others to justify an existence. Everyone has to ask themselves, What am I doing and contributing to make my life and the lives of others better. THAT TAKES WORK. These libs want to tear down the dreams and hard work of others to justify their irresponsibility.

 Mike Huckabee < 



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