The Hidden Scandal That's Far WORSE Than Uranium One

The Hidden Scandal That's Far WORSE Than Uranium One

Apparently, Hillary Clinton & CO did more than selling Uranium for private donations Russia.

How about giving a 35-year lease to one of America’s largest container ports, located just minutes from the Kennedy Space Center, to a Middle Eastern company with ties to Iran, North Korea, Russia and the evil genius behind Saddam Hussein’s nuclear weapons program?

But that’s exactly what the same players involved in the Uranium One deal did when they leased the cargo container operations at Port Canaveral, Florida after two years of secret talks with the Obama administration.

Now the Center for Security Policy’s dogged and fearless team of Alan Jones and Mary Fanning have revealed exactly what could go wrong, with potentially catastrophic consequences for U.S. national security.

Jones and Fanning originally broke the news that the family of Iraqi nuclear physicist Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar – known as Saddam Hussein’s nuclear bomb maker – along with the Emir of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (UAE), had 

been awarded a 35-year lease for cargo container operations at Port Canaveral, Florida. You can read the original expose through this link.

Jones and Fanning continued their research over the following months and now present their updated and even more alarming findings with this new report: “Perfect Storm: Project Pelican’s Gulftainer, Russia’s Club-K, KGB’s Primakov, North Korea, and the Architects of the Islamic Bloc and the Iran Nuclear Deal.

There is a U.S. government inter-agency review board called the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) whose responsibility is to conduct a thorough review of any commercial acquisition of U.S. infrastructure or property by a foreign entity that may have national security implications.

This is the same interagency group that approved the Uranium One deal.

Unfortunately, during a five-year period from 2009-2014, the CFIUS staff chairperson was a Pakistani ex-patriate named Aimen Nabi Mir, who has direct connections to both the Pakistani intelligence service and the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood. As we now know, it was during this timeframe that both the Gulftainer lease and the Uranium One deal were permitted to go forward by CFIUS.

Thanks to the remarkable investigative efforts of Mr. Jones and Ms. Fanning, it has now come to light that the implications of the CFIUS failure to appropriately review the Port Canaveral Gulftainer deal go far beyond original concerns about this Middle East-based ports company acquiring such strategic access to all the container operations at this key port along Florida’s Atlantic coast.

We think it’s time to start looking at the bigger picture here. This seems like a lot of pay for play right?

No wonder terrorist are getting into the United States as if it were a cake walk. 

So who are we blaming here? The Obama administration of course.

Draw your own conclusion here. I don’t want to become a conspiracy theorist or anything.




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