THE ENEMIES WITHIN :09/21/17,George Soros is DEAD!

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TRUTH is the Enemy of Tyranny.

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The Sleight of hand by THE ENEMIES WITHIN. 
Subversive tactics cloaked in feigned ignorance.
 By Katie 

This must stop THIS WILL STOP. 
This is Unconstitutional. 
This is the work of a subversive Inserted Manchurian via the Elites
Time to take America back as a Sovereign and Safe Country.

Image result for The luciferian elites


God Bless and Thank You Donald Trump
For Giving We the American Citizens Hope that Real Change for the Betterment and Well Being of Our Country and Citizenry is Indeed Possible

THE ROTHSCHILD-SOROS Elites use ALINSKY tactics and over 200 front groups to bring about their NEW WORLD ORDER AND SHARIA LAW. ... They want to topple the West, the EU and Israel. Soros has openly admitted that fact....


George Soros is DEAD!

“The word is out that Soros is DEAD. It is being discussed at the Pentagon as well. He was taken out. One by one the Bush/Clinton/crime syndicate is being removed. I will update you as I have more data”.

A French agent was sent by George Soros, French President Nicholas Sarkozy and other senior Zionists to negotiate with the White Dragon Society. The talks, which lasted for two days, were inconclusive. However, the agent made it clear the European branch of the Zionists truly feared a collapse of the Euro, while their American counterparts are finally beginning to realize they might actually end up in jail. At the same time, their attitude was so haughty it made arrogance seem like a form of humility. They also made many threats but the fact is that they are running scared and they are out of time.

The agent, who was of Japanese ancestry but who spoke French and English better than Japanese, claimed he came from a super-elite of Japanese Jews who represent 1% of the Japanese population. He kept referring to “average people,” pointing to nearby passersby with contempt as if they were almost an inferior species not worth protecting. Of course it is easy to feel superior if you are born into a world of billions of dollars and servants who do everything for you, including think.

The negotiations took place at the same time as George Soros gathered a bunch of the same old Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderberg hacks for a “Bretton Woods II” conference that was largely ignored. It was largely ignored because this group has proven, with their rapacious actions over the past few decades, that they are not qualified to run the international financial system.

Not only that, they have been using forged documentation to justify their control over the global financial system. Basically, if you ask them who gave them the right to create money out of thin air, they say it is God. If you ask them to prove that God gave it to them, they suddenly get evasive and embarrassed. God created life and the universe, but God did not create the Federal Reserve Board. It was a bunch of greedy oligarchs who did that.

On a more down to earth level, the $1 trillion Neil Keenan lawsuit is finally reaching a crucial stage. People from all over the world have been providing evidence of crimes by the criminal cabal that owns the Washington D.C. corporate government. The constant flow of new information meant extra-legal preparations were needed and that is why the case has been pending for so long.

In a sign people are getting nervous though, last week Bill Clinton, Carl Rove, Tim Geithner, Paul Volcker and Bilderberg Chairman Ettiene D’avignon were among the many luminaries calling about the case.

The main reason for their concern is that the plaintiffs have now gotten their hands of a book of codes, together with screen shots confirming their validity, that show all major financial transactions of the past 30 years. This means the lawsuit will be able to prove such things as that Al Qaeda and the Pentagon are being financed by the same people.

The military allies of the White Dragon Society, for their part, are seriously considering putting the 1 million or so American Satanists into the Fema camps that were being prepared for American Christians.

The Gnostics, meanwhile, who chased the US military out of Libya and Kosovo, say they have now once again planted a suitcase nuclear bomb near BIS headquarters in Switzerland. They say that unless the financial elite agree to start a meritocratic system of governance over finance that they will “turn all the gold in Swiss vaults into nuclear waste.” These are dangerous people but we have confirmed from multiple intelligence agency sources that they have serious capabilities.

Their more moderate faction is waiting for the right timing to hand over to Wikileaks a set of intercepted e-mails so explosive that “they will topple most Western governments.”

What the megalomaniac financial elite need to realize is that the men with the guns and the senior civil servants and other top intellectuals who were not part of the inbred elite are now awake, aware and angry. They are not going to be lulled back to sleep this time.

The White Dragon Society and its allies have made certain conditions very clear. First of all a major campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction needs to be fully and immediately financed. Second, the monopoly over the creation and secret distribution of fiat currency by an inbred, self-selected elite, had to end. Third, the world needs a South African style truth and reconciliation commission in order to put an end to the fabric of lies that has been woven around much of humanity. Only then will amnesty be granted and a jubilee (the one-off elimination of all debts both public and private) take place.

The brainwashed portion of humanity is going to have to be told the truth in easy to understand, verifiable stages. As many have said, at first they will be angry but then they will be ecstatic.

Once this has happened, rational negotiations will be needed in order to totally revamp the unfair international regulations and institutions created after World War 2. Only then will humanity will be free at last to develop its full potential.

“When Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild, hiding out at Mark Rich’s house on the hill in Zog, Switzerland was identified as the head of the Khazarian mafia, Rothschild reached out to the White Dragon Society via a nephew to negotiate a peace settlement involving and exchange of gold for money and the establishment of a future planning agency. This is now on hold because the New York branch of the Khazarian mafia, headed by the Cohen crime family, blocked it…

“What these people need to understand is that on May 2nd , 2016 the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION went bankrupt when its Puerto Rico subsidiary defaulted on a 422 million dollar payment. Legally the United States Corporate government is now under the control of the United Nations Corporation headed by Baron Rothschild. However, the status of the United Nations Corporation itself is doubtful…

“Rothschild and Khazarian mafia control has been reduced, in essence, to the bankrupt G7 group of nations… What is important to know is that the WDS and its allies have identified the names and locations of all the top members of this ruling bloodline and have the technical capability of removing them from this world. Doing so would be the very last option the WDS would take and it would only happen if it became necessary to do so to prevent genocide.

“The point though is that the families that currently control the G7 and the UN corporation are no longer in any position to dictate to the world. Their financial system, the source of their power, is now based almost entirely on fraud.
“What this means is the WDS is now in a position to offer to trade gold for all outstanding Euros and US dollars that can be traced to legitimate commercial activities. After a two month window US dollars and Euros would no longer be accepted for international payments. Under this proposal the US military and agencies would continue to be financed using the new currency. This would essentially remove the final vestiges of power of the Khazarian mafia.
“The future planning agency proposed by the WDS would start by hiring, as initial planners for setting up the agency, about 7 to 9 people… The members of this agency would continue in their current jobs and would contribute to the future planning agency through part time consultations. The main initial job of the agency would be to stop the ongoing destruction of the planet. This means stopping environmental destruction, ending poverty, ending war, eliminating disease and otherwise restoring the planet to full health.
“The above is meant to be a starting point for serious debate about how to improve the running of the planet. As mentioned above the current system, under the UN Corporation run by the Rothschilds, is bankrupt and largely dysfunctional. There is thus an urgent need to start working on rebooting the system in a manner that is more beneficial to the humans and other life forms on this planet.
“…negotiations are ongoing and the above represents the initial bargaining position of the WDS and its allies. If no counter proposal is received within a week, the WDS and its allies will officially go on the offensive in ways that will be both “unpredictable and worse than they could imagine.
“…the attack on the Khazarian mafia is proceeding as follows, according to WDS agency and Pentagon allies. Their oil concessions in the Middle East are “under siege with assaults on ISIS in Mosul, Fallujah and Raqqa,”… On the financial front the BIS, the World Bank, the New York Stock Exchange and the Federal Reserve Board have all been hacked… The US Treasury Department, now free from Khazarian control…
“Asian allies of the WDS have attacked with Khazarian controlled SWIFT international payments system in Bangladesh, Vietnam, the Philippines, Ecuador and elsewhere.
“Despite moves by [the Khazarian Mafia, attempts] to influence the upcoming US presidential election will all be stopped, the sources say. As a result of this, Khazarian presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has shown signs of mental instability as prosecutors move in on her and force Obama to stop trying to protect her.”
B. Fulford, 2016



Now that Trump is Pres. he admits he needs God more than ever.

Mainstream Media is a clear and present danger to law and order because they fuel the flames of division, and further incite chaos by hiding the real truth of who is behind this orchestrated Agenda; for the New World order, Agenda 2030, Sharia Law and against freedom of the individual. In fact, this Agenda for NWO, and Sharia Law is against all freedoms and is against the humane treatment of women. They also sanction pedophilia and other Luciferian ideology. 



Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy


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