While much of America has been calling for a non-partisan investigation into the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich, the mainstream media has been busy attempting to smother any and all questioning of the official story.
During this time of great disappointment among the democratic faithful, a treasure trove of information was leaked to Julian Assange and the Wikileaks organization from within the DNC. The information, which was relayed in the form of emails from Clinton campaign manager John Podesta’s account, detailed a longstanding agreement between the DNC and the campaign on how exactly to snuff out the threat that Bernie Sanders posed…among other crooked schemes.
The search for the leaker was brief, but extremely intense. The only real suspect in the patriotic release of this information was young DNC staffer Seth Rich, a fact that was nearly confirmed by Wikileaks on several occasions. Of course, given Rich’s proximity to the always-dangerous Hillary Clinton, and his alleged actions, Seth was soon deceased – the victim of a “botched” robbery that removed exactly nothing of value from his body. Beyond the fact that his phone, wallet, and watch were still with his corpse when police discovered him, the fact that the investigation into this “robbery” included the confiscation of Rich’s laptop from his home in the aftermath of his murder, has led many to believe that Seth’s death was no coincidence.
Now, an independent investigation by The Profiling Project, that has flown in the face of mainstream media attempts to quell the public curiosity regarding the case, has released some shocking results.
“The Profiling Project: Seth Rich Homicide – Initial Findings – June 20, 2017
“Executive Summary Who The Profiling Project is:
“– An all-volunteer group of current and former George Washington University forensic psychology graduate students and instructors.
Why we came together
” – To aid the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police (MPD) utilizing forensic psychology skills and tools in hopes of providing at least one actionable item to MPD
What we found
” – After a three-month review and investigation into the death of Seth Rich, The Profiling Project notes the following:
“1. Seth’s death does not appear to be a random homicide
“2. Seth’s death does not appear to be a robbery gone bad
“3. Seth death was more likely committed by a hired killer or serial murderer
“4. There may be additional video surveillance of the crime and crime scene
“5. The resolution of prosecuting the individual(s) responsible appears to be hindered both actively and passively
“6. Seth’s killer(s) most likely remains free within the community”
This report, which will likely be lambasted or ignored by the mainstream media for fear of inciting the wrath of We The People, will only be disseminated via independent news sources that the leftists and their cronies will attempt to apply their “fake news” label to.
In reality, the corruption inherent within the democratic party is certainly a major component of their current tailspin and imminent demise. Seth Rich’s murder, as heinous and despicable as it was, has been remarkably underreported in the United States possibly due to the lack of surprise that occurs when an enemy of Hillary Clinton ends up deceased or missing.
BY OUR VETERANS Note: We at Friends of Liberty cannot make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information.
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