It's hard to believe that this year it will be 72 year ago the D-Day invasion . Not to many Band Of Brothers are left of the generation that came out of a depression and help save the world from the evils of Germany and Japan and fought A War on two fronts ,that's when America was a nation that stood together, men and women. The Men off to war and The Women Off to the Factories . I sure hope that this new Generation don't forget The Price Of Liberty and Freedom Doesn't come Free The Cost Is High . And we Americans have Always Answered The Call For Freedom .
The Longest Day
On June 6, 1944, Franklin D. Roosevelt went to bed just after midnight. The D-Day invasion was under way, but the
President was nevertheless determined to get a little shut-eye. His wife, Eleanor, was more anxious. She paced around the White House, waiting for General George C. Marshall to report on how the Allied forces fared on the five battlefield beaches of Normandy: Omaha and Utah (Americans), Gold and Sword (British), and Juno (Canadians).
At three a.m., she woke up Franklin, who put on his favorite gray sweater and sipped some coffee before starting a round of telephone calls that lasted over five hours. When FDR finally held a press conference late that afternoon on the White House lawn, he talked about how distinctive D-Day was in world history. Crossing the turbulent waters of the English Channel from Dover to Pointe du Hoc with the largest armada in world history—the ships carried more than 100,000 American, British and Canadian soldiers—was truly an event for the ages. Later that evening Roosevelt addressed the world on the radio. He evoked the Fall of Rome before boasting that God had let the Allies prevail over the “unholy forces of our enemy” in Europe. Roosevelt was basking in the glow of one of history’s seismic shifts.
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Operation Overlord & Neptune - D-Day
Dick Winters Hang Tough
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Operation Overlord & Neptune - D-Day
Dick Winters Hang Tough
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