That Time Chuck Schumer Met With Russian President Vladimir Putin /Chuck Schumer needs to resign as well, because he had a very happy meeting not with just any Russian official
Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) denounced Jeff Sessions misbehavior in a statement: “I’ve been on the Senate Armed Services Committee for 10 years, and in that time, have had no call from, or meeting with, the Russian ambassador. Ever. That’s because ambassadors call members of Foreign Relations Committee.”
It was then shortly revealed that she had in fact met with the Russian ambassador in 2013 and 2015.
So, if the worst thing a politician can do is meet with a Russian official, and doing so can only be atoned for by resigning one’s post, then Claire McCaskill needs to resign. As of this writing, we still haven’t heard her announcement.
“Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, enjoys a Krispy Kreme doughnut and coffee with Senator Charles Schumer from New York as Putin visits the first New York gas station of the Russian company Lukoil, Friday.”
“When I showed the president of Russia a Krispy Kreme doughnut and he ate it and said it was good, that was one of the more surreal moments I’ve had in politics,” Senator Schumer said. In an article about oil prices and OPEC, Taipei Times reported:
Meanwhile, traders paid close attention to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to the US.
Putin ate a ceremonial glazed doughnut to open a service station in New York on Friday, and a US senator used the occasion to bash OPEC.
The moment was a small but sweet victory for the Russian oil baron Vagit Alekperov: The Getty gas station he bought in Manhattan three years ago was renamed on Friday after his own huge oil company, Lukoil.
Alekperov wanted US consumers at the pump to understand that they need Russian oil and that companies like his are ready to provide it. For the last two years, oil has become an increasingly powerful bond between the US, the world’s largest consumer, and Russia, among the largest producers.
Russian-owned Lukoil Oil Co acquired Getty Petroleum and its 1,300 US gasoline stations in November 2000, and the Manhattan station is one of about 150 in the US Northeast that Lukoil will rebrand over the next two years.
Bright red Lukoil flags fluttered and US and Russian security men in dark suits held photographers and reporters at bay as Senator Charles Schumer, a New York Democrat, greeted Putin at the curb of the full-service station, then accompanied him inside where bills are paid and beverages and snacks are sold.
Mr. Schumer wasn’t particularly forthcoming about this obviously nefarious meeting, was he? Does this mean he was trying to hide it? That’s what they said about Sessions and the Trump campaign. So, shouldn’t Schumer resign now?
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