In case you hadn't noticed before this election, the elitists who run the Democrat party have declared war on America and its citizens. Hillary Clinton has declared that anyone who is not supporting her belongs in a basket of deplorables who are all racists, sexists, Islamophobia, homophobic, etc. Bill Clinton has labeled the same people standard rednecks, and Obama has declared that we are a” swamp of crazies”. During his presidential campaign he also referred to us as people who “cling to our guns and religion” At the same time the main stream media has stated that the people who won’t support Hillary are just uneducated white men; and the leaked emails show that the Democrats have nothing but disdain for people of faith including Catholics and evangelicals
The Democrats throw out these terms and derogatory remarks because they despise anyone who believes in the Constitution of the United States and the freedoms it protects. They use these labels to denigrate patriotic Americans but they fail to realize that putting such labels on us does not cause us to cower in fear, but instead strengthens our resolve to defend our country against these want to be dictators.
The Democrat elites have consistently pushed the proposition that Americans are too stupid to decide how to spend the money that we earn and too ignorant to be allowed to engage in free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and we certainly should not be allowed to own firearms. They consider the Constitution to be archaic and irrelevant to the perfect society they intend to force us to accept. In their minds we cannot be allowed to be a free people, but must submit to being their subjects with no free will of our own.
For those of us who know American history and that of the world, this is the same world view that was pushed by brutal dictators like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, and Fidel Castro. Their vision has led to the deaths of over one hundred million people, and the enslavement of many more. Unfortunately, many of the citizens in this country, including most high school and college students have been kept ignorant of this reality. They have been taught by the Democrat elitists that dominate our education system that all powerful governments are benevolent, and if you just surrender your lives to them they will provide you with all kinds of free stuff and take care of you.
The cascade of emails and documents coming from the FBI and WikiLeaks has pulled the curtain away from the DNC, the Clinton campaign, the Obama administration and the leftist controlled mainstream media, and proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the Obamas and the Clintons are presiding over the largest criminal enterprise in the history of the United States. There does not appear to be anything they will not do to destroy our Constitutional Republic, up to and including lies, bribery, intimidation, and even collusion with foreign nations and groups that are our enemies. Unfortunately, this seems to be just the tip of the iceberg. I suspect there is much more we don’t yet know about.
We may never know the extent of the corruption, but the goals are clear. These people are the enemies of our freedom. They want power over us so they can control us and they want to enrich themselves at our expense, and the expense of our children and grandchildren. Over the history of our nation, hundreds of thousands of Americans have given their lives to defend the freedoms that the elites now want to take away from us without firing a shot. We cannot let that happen!
The Democrats throw out these terms and derogatory remarks because they despise anyone who believes in the Constitution of the United States and the freedoms it protects. They use these labels to denigrate patriotic Americans but they fail to realize that putting such labels on us does not cause us to cower in fear, but instead strengthens our resolve to defend our country against these want to be dictators.
The Democrat elites have consistently pushed the proposition that Americans are too stupid to decide how to spend the money that we earn and too ignorant to be allowed to engage in free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and we certainly should not be allowed to own firearms. They consider the Constitution to be archaic and irrelevant to the perfect society they intend to force us to accept. In their minds we cannot be allowed to be a free people, but must submit to being their subjects with no free will of our own.
For those of us who know American history and that of the world, this is the same world view that was pushed by brutal dictators like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, and Fidel Castro. Their vision has led to the deaths of over one hundred million people, and the enslavement of many more. Unfortunately, many of the citizens in this country, including most high school and college students have been kept ignorant of this reality. They have been taught by the Democrat elitists that dominate our education system that all powerful governments are benevolent, and if you just surrender your lives to them they will provide you with all kinds of free stuff and take care of you.
The cascade of emails and documents coming from the FBI and WikiLeaks has pulled the curtain away from the DNC, the Clinton campaign, the Obama administration and the leftist controlled mainstream media, and proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the Obamas and the Clintons are presiding over the largest criminal enterprise in the history of the United States. There does not appear to be anything they will not do to destroy our Constitutional Republic, up to and including lies, bribery, intimidation, and even collusion with foreign nations and groups that are our enemies. Unfortunately, this seems to be just the tip of the iceberg. I suspect there is much more we don’t yet know about.
We may never know the extent of the corruption, but the goals are clear. These people are the enemies of our freedom. They want power over us so they can control us and they want to enrich themselves at our expense, and the expense of our children and grandchildren. Over the history of our nation, hundreds of thousands of Americans have given their lives to defend the freedoms that the elites now want to take away from us without firing a shot. We cannot let that happen!
by Michael Connelly
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