After This Week’s Stunt Democrats Will Own All Future Terrorist Attacks in America

Democrats and the Liberal Media will Own All Future Terrorist Attacks in America
Democrats had a choice to make this week, support the American people or side with the insanity of political correctness.
Unfortunately, Democrats doubled down with political correctness.
Democrats and the liberal media will own all future terrorist attacks in the United States.
Six years ago Barack Obama banned refugees from Iraq from entering the US for six months.
Democrats said nothing.
Democrats said nothing.
This weekend Donald Trump signed an executive order to refuse refugees from seven terrorist states – the same terrorist regimes Obama targeted years ago.
But this time Democrats lost it.
Hundreds of liberals protested Trump at airports across the US after 109 foreigners out of 325,000 foreign travelers were detained at airports across the United States.
Hundreds of liberals protested Trump at airports across the US after 109 foreigners out of 325,000 foreign travelers were detained at airports across the United States.
Protest against the Immigration Ban at Detroit Metropolitan Airport.
This is what democracy looks like.#NoBanNoWall— rayyan latif. (@RoundRotis) January 30, 2017
Democrat leaders and liberal media outlets led the attack against the Trump administration and American security.
But Americans see through this.
Americans by a wide majority agree with President Trump.
Americans by a wide majority agree with President Trump.
The Democrat-media complex continues to push for open borders and political correctness.
And when America is hit again with the next jihadist attack — Democrats will be to blame.
And when America is hit again with the next jihadist attack — Democrats will be to blame.
Note: We at Friends of Liberty cannot make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information.
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