Twelve Daily Bites of Slaying the Giant:
1) Making an Impact: 2) Food for the Mind and Heart: 3) Finding the Root of the Problem: 4) The Shepherd and the Lost Sheep 5) A Basic Overview: 6) Psalms of Comfort: 7) The Good Samaritan
Making a Difference 9) Being a Mentor 10) Power of Small things: 11) Resources: 12) Warning Signs and Contacts: SharedHope.org

Many of those who were abused become abusers. Read the Good Samaritan’s story and substitute the imagery of the trafficker for the image of the beaten and raped child. Mercy also includes concern for those that are traffickers and buyers. Many of them learned to abuse by being abused themselves. Justice is appropriate but we should not withhold your compassion and prayer.
Luke 10:30-37: “A certain man fell among thieves which stripped him of his clothing and wounded him and left him half dead. By chance there came a certain priest that way and when he saw him he passed by him and also when the Levite saw him he passed on by but a certain Samaritan when he passed by where he was had compassion on him. He went to him and bound up his wounds and set him on his own beast and brought him to an Inn where he took care of him. The next day he paid the innkeeper to care for him before he left.
Then Jesus asked His disciples which of the three do they believe was a neighbor to the victim that fell among thieves? The disciples answered that it was he who showed mercy. Then Jesus told them to go and do the same.
Friends Of Liberty is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights.
SharedHope.org (unquote) PLSturgis: This is a little booklet I received in the mail which I would like to share with you daily to make an impact for these children.
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SharedHope.org (unquote) PLSturgis: This is a little booklet I received in the mail which I would like to share with you daily to make an impact for these children.
(to be continued)
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