Vote For Hillary If you Want :The New World Order and Communism...

A vote for Clinton is a vote for the New World Order and an end to the United States of America

Worried about Trump? You should be worried about the left wing elites. It is their goal to establish a new and one world order, with themselves in control. Six years ago I warned you about George Soros. Soros is the self-loathing Jew who said his happiest days were spent with his father ratting out other Jews to the Nazis. Soros also has let everyone know how he feels about the US:

“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.”

That means the US must be taken down, and who better to do it than barack obama and hillary clinton?


Soros on refugees and national borders:

“Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.”

Frightening. Soros is working toward eliminating national borders in Europe and obama is working on eradicating them here.

If you think about it, this explains why obama won’t solve the problem of ISIS and instead treats the hemorrhage with a knife. obama does not want to stem the migration. He wants it to continue. He is doing Soros’ work. And thus so is Clinton.

Soros spilled a cryptic message in an interview in 2009 (bold face added):

But for the past 18 months you have been keeping an eye on the markets?

Yeah but I have also been writing a lot more than I was writing before because the crisis really stimulated me. I wrote a series of articles in the course of the year, I wrote a book, I published a book and I’m just about to publish a sequel to last year’s book, bringing it up to date, I am just working on it now.

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