We CAN Take Our Country Back Patriots

All is NOT Lost. It is NOT too late. We CAN Take Our Country Back 
(part 1)

It is probably a very good thing that I am an optimistic person by nature. Otherwise, I would likely fall to the same level of belief that I read out there every day. I see comments like, “Our vote doesn’t matter because they have already selected who will win.” Or, “When the illegals are given amnesty, there will not be another republican president ever again.” Or, “Why bother? Congress is going to do anything that they want anyway.”

And there is a lot of truth to these comments. I usually fire back with a question of my own. “What are YOU going to do about it?” Otherwise, I might say, “Are you sick enough of it to actually do something yet?”

We CAN fix this. We CAN get the country back to the Constitutional Republic that the Founders created. The process is actually quite simple, but it is anything but easy.

The first step is at the ballot box. We must change our thinking. For far too long we have believed the lies that the establishment has told us. We either stay home because we think that our vote doesn’t matter or we vote for the “lesser of two evils” (LO2E) as we watch our freedom eroded away with every new Congress.

Congress has roughly a 10% approval rating yet gets reelected almost 90% of the time. It is our fault. Staying home or voting for the LO2E gives politicians the confidence that they can do pretty much anything and get away with it.

We MUST show up on Election Day, and not only for the general. We must show up in the primary, the general, for bond elections, special elections, etc.

We also MUST hold our elected representatives accountable with our votes. We can no longer afford to vote for the R or D. If you are a die-hard Republican you must realize that voting for a politician who has strayed from the party platform repeatedly is not voting for a Republican. It is voting for the letter R. There is no such thing as a big-government, fiscally wasteful Republican. That is a Democrat who puts an R after his/her name for election purposes.

The consequences of not holding them accountable with your vote are making the party worse:
The politician thinks that you voted for his liberal agenda and does not change.
The GOP thinks that you voted for his liberal agenda and backs more liberals.
The party shifts farther and farther to the left even though the voters are shifting more and more to the right.

The only way to fix this at the ballot box is to vote against those who put an R after their name and vote for big government, big spending, and erosion of your rights. We start this in the primary election. You vote against the incumbent and share with all of your friends and family why you plan to do so. If we can get the word out enough, then we have succeeded and the challenger should get elected in the general.

If we do not succeed in the primary, then we need to stick to our guns and vote against the incumbent in the general. Unless there is a limited government, limited spending and pro-Constitution candidate who put a D after his/her name, this does NOT mean voting for the Democrat. It also does not mean staying home. Some people think that staying home is a protest vote. It isn’t. It is a non-vote. They do not know why you stayed home.

A vote to fire an incumbent in your party means voting for a third party candidate that fits what you expect from an elected representative. If there is not a third party candidate that fits, or not one at all, write one in. This way, when the votes are counted, there is a record of what you expect. Not voting does not let them know what it would take to get your vote in the next election.

Some will claim that voting 3rd party is voting for the Democrat. This is absurd. They will claim that you are taking your vote from the Republican. My comment is always, “Of course it isn’t. It was never theirs because they never earned it.”

Will voting third party or write in lead to more democrats getting elected? Perhaps in the short term. Let nobody tell you that it is your fault that the democrat got in. It is those who refuse to vote for the ACTUAL republican…you know the small government, reduce spending, Constitution loving republican. They cause a democrat to be elected by voting for a democrat who happened to put an R after his/her name. Then, no matter if the D or R wins, a democrat wins.

The long term (and this only means 2-3 election cycles), results of holding politicians accountable:
If the incumbent loses, everyone knows why and the next republican elected (whether then or in the following election), knows that you demanded an ACTUAL republican.
The GOP follows the votes. The entire purpose of the GOP is to get republicans elected. If they see that the voters are demanding small government, limited spending, Constitution loving republicans, they WILL back them. We have spent decades proving that we will vote for any old “R.” Why would they not focus solely on the moderate voters?
The party turns back to the right, the country turns back to the right, and we begin to take this country back to a country with a government for, of and by the people.

Watch for the second step of turning this country around coming soon.

All is NOT Lost. It is NOT too late. We CAN Take Our Country Back (part 2)

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