"What's On My Mind?? Glad You Asked!!!"

 Lois Lerner is a very happy woman. She won't be charged in the IRS scandal Once again Obama's Justice Department proves it truly is contemptible They say that they found wrongdoing but not of a criminal nature you see Yeah. Sure. Nothing this damn Administration does gives an appearance or smidgen of criminality! 

 There has been a number of scandals we've seen over the course of time But this bunch we have in the White House truly gives new meaning to the word SLIME So much bad stuff is done but no one and I mean no one is held accountable Some of the action we have seen from the IRS through the Veterans Administration borders on the reprehensible Benghazi is once again front and center in the news headlines today.

 In the hearings we found out from Hillary's emails that she lied about the video being the cause for the attack To the Democrats on the Committee they really didn't care that she lied. She was coddled by them. They had her back Our government is more than dysfunctional. It acts in ways that makes you think of it as a crime syndicate And of course it is headed by a most dreadful cretin. 

Yes. I will say it once again he is detestable piece of rancid S**T And the pundits are all up in arms that the electorate hold their elected officials in the lowest regard and turn to outsiders like Trump and Carson Hey, you blithering effing fools, you don't know it but this country is getting closer and closer to a revolution And they stress about Donald Trump. 

They're so worried that he might very well become our next President. They say he's a buffoonish piece of dreck Oh but they will still see no trouble pushing Hillary for President even with a possible indictment tied around her neck! And what of the GOP? Can they somehow come out of an almost eight year cowardly coma I don't know what the hell they stand for but I know they've never believed in the Conservative dogma You think that things won't get worse. 

Well Paul Ryan has decided to run for Speaker. If he gets it you will know what will be Yes, fellow patriots, we will see the push for that dreaded 'A' word. AMNESTY Our Constitution created a limited Republic but under this Administration it has just withered away As one who dearly loves his country it breaks my heart to see it happening. There's really not much more I can say

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